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Randy was the one driving the shitty rental car.  He didn't want to have his or your license plate anywhere near 'a town for killers'.  You didn't mind.  He was usually right when it came to the movie based precautions becoming important with the copy cats, so you figured it was best to just listen.

Especially since he advised not coming in the first place.  Was he gonna be right about that too?

As he drove past the large 'Welcome to Woodsboro' sign, you tried your best to ignore the feeling of dread settling in the pit of your stomach.  You just had this itching feeling that something bad was going to happen.  You chalked it up to the fact that this was your first weekend away from the killers you had come to rely heavily on for protection, and that you were just nervous.

And while Randy would never say it, he had the exact same feeling.  He wanted to see Dewey, see his childhood home, see what changed and what stayed the same while he went off to live his dreams that seemed too big for this small town when he was growing up.  But now he was thirty three.  He had a husband and two kids.  What happened if there was another copycat and he didn't get to go back home to them?

"He said he'd meet us at the bookstore," Randy suddenly told you.

"Did he say why?  Seems like an... odd place for a reunion," you muttered.

That feeling of fear started creeping up in the both of you again, and you began regretting letting the two murderers see right through you the way they did.  They shouldn't've let you come here, let alone drag Randy into this.

"Huh.  Everything seems... smaller," Randy said.  "It's almost too small."

You couldn't see what he was talking about.  Was he being poetic and metaphorical, or did he just have a better lay of the land considering he grew up here, and you had only stayed for a few months?  Maybe things seemed bigger when he was younger, and now coming back from years of city life and practically being a Hollywood celebrity made the town seem tinier than what his kid brain perceived all those years ago.

"There's the bookstore," you stated, pointing at the building.  "The parking lot seems empty.  Is it even open right now?"

"I have no idea," he replied.

But, low and behold, there was a police cruiser sitting in a parking spot.  Maybe Dewey was in there?  Well, you'd just have to go in and see.

Randy parked the car, and the two of you nervously exited the vehicle.

"You see one red flag, tell me," Randy demanded.  "I don't wanna stay if anything remotely suspicious is going on."


And with that, the two of you made your way to the front door.  Randy tried to push it open, but the thing didn't budge.

"Well, we tried.  Lets go home," he said.

Rather than reply with words, you grabbed the door handle and tried to pull it open.  The door opened easily, and Randy looked like he wanted to kill someone himself.  Inside, you could see Dewey, who was standing there watching Randy like he was the biggest idiot on the planet.

"Must've changed the door since I was last here," Randy grumbled.

"No.  No they didn't," Dewey informed him.

You and Randy shuffled into the building, and the three of you stood there awkwardly for a moment.  None of you were exactly sure what to say.

Dewey had pulled you two out of the safety of your lives to drag you back to where it all started, after you both worked so hard to gain a sense of normalcy.  And you two never bothered reaching out to Dewey after he said he wanted to cut ties.  You never asked for reconciliation he'd halfway wanted through all these years.

While Dewey didn't fault Randy for never bothering him, a part of him had always hoped that the geek would try and disrespect his wishes.  He missed being the surrogate older brother.  He missed having younger siblings to protect.  But he knew he was selfish for wanting this.  He was the one who decided to cut contact, and he was the one who left his oh so precious 'younger sibling' to break the news to the others because he was too scared to do it himself.

God, Tatum was probably laughing at him from wherever she was.

"So... how have you two been," Dewey asked, trying his best to break the ice.

"We've been good," Randy replied quickly.  "You and Gale still a thing?"

"Happily married for nine years now," he answered.  "She's going to stop by later, there's a book tour she wants to see that's supposed to be here."

"Oh, what book," you questioned.  "Do we have to get out by a certain time?"

"Actually, I'm pretty sure the author is gonna be here any second," Dewey told you.

"You know... you look just like that one wrestling champion," Randy stated.  "Won a belt back in... I believe 2000?  We were a bit busy with Roman at the time, but I'm glad I can finally call out the uncanny resemblance."

"Since when did you like wrestling?  Or any physically violent entertainment that's not in a scary movie," you asked quietly.

"Oh, you mean that David guy," Dewey said questioningly.  "Yeah, I get that a lot.  Honestly helps with my image, so..."

"How so," Randy interrogated.

"Well, a sheriff constantly being compared to an MMA champion is a good thing, right?"

"Oh, finally got promoted from Deputy, eh?"

"Wait..." you trailed off.

You had noticed something in the window.  You and Randy had been consumed by the door shenanigans, so you must've missed it.  But now that you were seeing it, you felt nervous.  Dewey had said something about this being a stop on the book tour for someone, and there was a black and white poster promoting it in the window.  But the author looked uncomfortably familiar.

"Who's coming for the book thing," you asked hesitantly.

"It's actually--"

Before Dewey could finish his statement and tell you, the front door to the bookstore opened yet again, and Sidney fucking Prescott walked in.

The three of you stood there, staring at each other in a mix of shock, awe, and horror.

"Surprise," Dewey mumbled.

Maybe that bad gut feeling had some logic to it after all.

A/n: so lets recap.  Warren from X-Men to fuck with a friend.  Something with Ramshackle (it's a pilot on YouTube and I totally recommend it) because I want this to get a bigger fan base.  And now Brahms as per someone's request.  Oh, and an 100k special for another story where the reader fuckin died in the end, so that's fun.

And for the person who wanted the Brahms thing, all I can say is... yeah, this is gonna be more like the House of Wax.  You know, Stockholm, not a 'happily ever after', I might accidentally make things more disturbing than I meant to... the fun stuff.  Or at least, fun for me.

Is this why people don't make that many requests?  I fucking butcher it?

Good.  Fear my writing.  Inflate my ego.   >:)

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