Stains create impressions

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Calvin Coolidge couldn't wait for his first day at Presidential High! Although he knew that Grace wouldn't agree, she would be worried that people would dislike him because he was "weird". And on that, Warren G Harding, Calvin's ex boyfriend was there. He wasn't the kindest to say the least...

But that wasn't important because Calvin would try his absolute best to be the new "Cool-idgest" kid around — he even made shirts saying that.

Calvin the Coolidgest kid

But that would be when he'll try to get on the school council, so far he'll just try to be as cool(idge) popular or at the very least not bullied.

Calvin ate his favorite breakfast: A pickle sandwich. Calvin sat at his breakfast table and right when he was about to enjoy his meal his Collie  sat next to him, because of course. The little dog sat there begging, Calvin of course knew that the dog shouldn't eat his food so he ignored his little sweetie,
"Rob Roy you little silly man, you know that you're not allowed to have my pickles!" Calvin said in a squeaky voice.
Rob Roy whined like he was a German Shepherd, Calvin sighed in response.
"No no Rob Roy go eat your breakfast".
Calvin finished his breakfast and went to leave the pickle-can on the counter, just then Rob Roy decided to follow Calvin like he (Rob Roy) was a Springer spaniel so Calvin tripped and all the pickle juice stained his uniform.
"Oh Rob Roy look at what you've done!" Rob Roy didn't care and started licking Calvin's now stained uniform. "Well at least you're trying to clean it up" Calvin patted the Collie on his head.

Ding Dong

"Grace!" Calvin yelled, that's right! His beloved girlfriend would pick him up and walk him to school, and now his uniform was all stained. Oh dear...


He was sitting underneath the stair trying to make up a difficult math problem so that he could think of something else, something other than Henry Clay..
John Quincy knew that he had a girlfriend, a very miserable one at that. But Henry was just so wonderful! His smirk, his hair that didn't get the memo of gravity, his persuasiveness... just like how he persuaded John Quincy's heart.

"No! No! No! No! No! I do not like him!!!" JQ tried to convince himself.
"Focus" he whispered.

He had arrived early at school so he could meet the new student, Coolidge was his name or something, well it didn't matter because JQ was determined to become this new kid's friend. As much as JQ hated interaction he had understood that being liked was crucial to get on the school council and maybe if this Coolidge was as persuasive as Henry could be then maybe JQ could finally win.

Grace had tried to clean his uniform to her best ability but to little success, however with time it didn't look as bad as it did at first. Still noticeable only if you were an over-analytical and judging person.
"Bbg you sure it's going to go well here?" Grace asked, holding Calvin's hand, how warm she is.
"I'm not as sure as before, but I have you so it's going to be alright." Grace met his gaze and gave him a peck on the cheek,
"If Warren comes up to you or acts mean towards you in anyway, just know you can tell me. We'll be in different classes but I'll always be available if it is needed."
"Grace... it'll be fine"
"Sigh, I suppose I'll trust you." She smiled at him.

And so they entered the building.


Finally, the new kids were here! Well they were earlier than JQ though they'd be but he rather have something to keep his mind away from his thoughts...
The girl walked slightly faster than the boy, she grinned when greeting him.
"Well hello there! You're also someone who likes to get here early. We're new by the way, this is my boyfriend Calvin and I'm Grace." Calvin looked away as if he was embarrassed of himself, but as Grace's eyes met his he calmed slightly. JQ took notice of this.

"Well then" JQ said trying to think of what to say, how does he present himself as friendly when he looks like an angry garden gnome? Welp, he'll just have to try his best!
"I came here early because I wanted to make sure that the new kids would feel as welcome as possible!" JQ tried to sound warm but he felt a genuine pang in his heart from his attempt at sounding positive, hopefully it worked, though Grace looked suspicious Calvin seemed sold.
"Show us around then dude!" Calvin said but immediately cringed afterwards, Grace giggled looking at her beloved.
Louisa never giggles lovingly at me.. but I also never lovingly do anything for her... hmp.

JQ proceeded to show Grace and Calvin around, he also introduced himself.
"I'm John Quincy Adams, the son of one of the founding principals, John Adams. However I recognise that achievements are more important than lineage and personality so don't worry about me thinking too much of myself. I don't have the best reputation but I'm trying to fix that. If you don't want to be around me because of my reputation," JQ was about to say 'that's illogical and shallow' however he knew he needed to pick his words wisely. So he recoiled and instead said, "that's understandable." Grace sighed, looking at him with pity.
Oh great, now they think I'm a poor bullied little baby waby, damn it.

"We don't judge people like that. I think that is very shallow" Grace said but Calvin remained quiet. "Well well" Grace started, a bit teasingly.
"Is there a girl here that you like?" Calvin grinned shortly before returning to looking a bit serious.
"He- Louisa, my girlfriends name is Louisa."
JQ once again felt a pang in his heart. Wait a minute..
"Is that a stain on your uniform?" JQ couldn't stop the words from spilling from his mouth. No! Why do I have to be a judging asshole?
"Oh, my doggy woggy soggy loggy" Calvin continued to rhyme on doggy with just about every letter in the alphabet in random order. JQ tried not to sigh but Grace looked a bit worried. What an embarrassing boyfriend for her.
Finally Calvin decided to finish his sentence,
"Uoggy Rob Roy decided to fell me while I was putting away my pickles, ha ha!" Calvin forced a laugh.  Grace and JQ awkwardly laughed back

Bleagh uhh, cough cough.


To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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