But can anyone blame her? Anna was the sort of person that never seemed to grow out of their summer child phase no matter how old or how matured they get.

Elsa accepted her tumbler, "Yes Anna?"

Anna grinned, "Kristoff and I have decided to take you out!"

Elsa frowned, "Out where?"

The girl giggled manically, "Out to a club!"

Elsa rolled her eyes, "Anna. Just because you're turning 21 doesn't mean you should go and crash yourself,"

Anna pouted, "But Raps said that this club is ethical and the owner is very strict about drugs and stuff. Also, costumes get discount all year round!" She grabs Elsa's hands, "Come on! I have always wanted to see what's up with those clubs!"

Elsa sighed, "Wrong person to ask, Anna. I have never been to clubs myself,"

And that was how Elsa found herself dressed very unlike herself and trying not to break her ankles while accompanying Anna and her friends to The King's Tomb. She tugged at the ridiculously short skirt with a slit up her thigh. The dress was one of those mini dresses, tight with a corset top that pushed up her boobs that was also designed to look like a mini toga with a skirt so short it was supposed to make her legs looked like it 'goes for days', whatever that was supposed to mean. A pair of small feathery angel wings attached to her back and plastic glow in the dark halo bobbed over her head with her hair pulled up into a 'cute bun' with the rest of her hair framed her face in tight baby curls. Elsa felt like a plastic doll for Halloween and not the good kind.

Her see through ankle breaking heels weren't helping any.

Anna giggled, her own green mini dress swishing around her, cute reindeer horns peeking out of her strawberry blond locks, matching with her boyfriend, "Come on, Elsa! Smile!"

Elsa huffed, "I would but I'm cold,"

Raps snorted, "No you're not, Miss The-cold-never-bothered-me,"

Elsa drew in deep breathes and tried not grimace, "The skirt is too short,"

Merida eyed her, "Short? Your figure skating costumes are short too but you never seemed to be bothered by them?"

Elsa added, "Because they are costumes and are not meant to be worn outside the rink. Besides, I wear nude colored tights underneath so I'm not exactly indecent wearing them," She tugged at the skirt riding up her thighs, "This does not feel as secured,"

Anna gasped, "Oh, we are next!"

Elsa drew in more deep breaths before slowly letting them out, trying to calm her nerves. This was most definitely not her scene. Her scenes were the ice rink, the library, and her bedroom. They might not be much or exciting but they were hers. Oh, the things she does for her baby sister.

A Harley slowed by their line and Elsa watched as the rider parked in the only reserved spot. Kristoff nerded out over the Harley, admiring the big bike. Eugene hummed a little at the sight, not as much into motorcycles as his friend but can certainly admired a well maintained one. After all, it looked like a classic. That means that it must be heavy and costly to maintain, especially when the engine purred like it was fresh out of the factory.

The owner was a large man that towered over most of them. Elsa suspected that he's as tall as her father's personal driver, Oaken. When he took off his helmet, long messy white locks come out, wolf cut. He shoved his fingerless gloved hand through them, pushing them back to be more presentable. He pulled out a pair of shades and put them on his face before turning around, taking off his leather duster from his wide shoulders, revealing form fitting black V-neck muscle shirt that hid nothing, a circle of barbed wire tattooed around his neck like a collar, the lack of sleeves showing arms with wing tattoos curling down from his shoulders. Dangling from his neck is a tarnished silver chain holding a single ring. Elsa catch sight of tattoos on his fingers with glow in the dark painted sharp nails with tiny ghosts. Tarnished silver earrings dangled from his ears, the tips pointed. Possibly from a cosmetic surgery. As he stepped closer with his heeled leather boots, his long legs in a pair of black jeans that couldn't hide the rippling muscles of his thighs, the brighter light of the club's entrance revealed his skin to be tan from sun. He handed the bouncer his helmet and walked straight into the club.

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