chapter 12 - mother and father

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Going from the clenched fists with Endeavour to having to be sparring with her next opponent, the anger was still in Komi's hearts as she arrived on the stage. 

It was still in her veins when the match began and she instantly drew her wrist out to Mina's shirt. 

It was still in her soul when Komi yanked on the web, pulling Mina along and right out of bounds within seconds.

And it was still her eyes when she helped Mina from the spot she threw her down in and it was still in her movement when she bowed.

Komi won the second match, but she didn't want to go back to the stands. Komi didn't want to talk to anyone. Komi threw Mina out of bounds because if Komi went to fight her, there would be more damage done than Komi was comfortable with. And Mina has done nothing wrong to Komi.

Komi was angry. And she hadn't been angry like this in a long time.
It felt strange to feel it so alive in her body. To feel her blood boil. God, she was so angry. Why could Endeavour just understand? Why couldn't he just accept that Shoto and Komi had feelings, thoughts and opinions of their own?
Why couldn't he think of his family as a family instead of failed prodigies? Instead of masterpieces? Instead of mental ill wives? Instead of a puppet and a tool?

Why couldn't be just be the man everyone thought he was?

Komi went to an empty waiting room to cool off.
Well, no. Komi wished the waiting room was empty when she walked inside, but she was met with disappointment when she caught sight of Asami and her goons.

"Shizuki!" Asami clapped as Komi walked inside. From behind her, the door slammed, but there was no prickly feeling on the back of her neck, and it wasn't like Asami was a threat anyway. She was all bark and no bite.

"We just found the most strangest thing!" One of the girls exclaimed.

"We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw!" Another one gasped, a smile toying on her face.

Komi looked at each of them, finding their faces and watching and waiting to see what they were playing at.
"Is it true, Shizuki? That Mommy and Daddy are Villains?"

Well that wasn't ill news. Also wasn't something that half the world didn't know. Emiri and Itsuki Shizuki were infamous villains. And they were also Komi's parents. They didn't want her though, that's why she was left at the foster care home. Komi hadn't been wanted since she was born, and even to villains.

"They're dead." Komi answered, glancing behind her to the girl that closed the door.

Asami feigned sadness. "Aw, how sad...Still, strange that the daughter of villains is in a hero school. I mean, you should really just follow your family lineage." Asami let out a little laugh before her next words. "I mean, you'd suit the look."

There was the gasp as people saw Komi's face. There was the slurs as people saw Komi was mutant quirk holder. Sometimes she'd get spat on when walking out on the street. There were the people with the fetish who followed Komi for a while.
Then there was the whisper that Komi looks like a villain. That Komi would suit the role of one.

"For a girl in a hero school, you're not exactly the hero type, are you Asami." Komi was still angry. Komi was so angry. Komi didn't know where to put it.

Asami narrowed her eyes and moved in on Komi. "Careful now...we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you before you're next match, now would we?"

"No, that would be awful." Another girl cooed, backing up for Asami.

"Yeah...besides, it's not like you're actually gonna win. You're just...not that kind of winning type, you know?"

Asami's giggles from her followers drowned out down the hall as they walked away from Komi. The door swung for a moment before calmly closing. Komi breathed raw and roughly. She knew she would get her ass out of UA if she went after Asami.

It didn't matter.

That's what she told herself. It didn't matter what Asami thought because there must be issues going on in her life that she's just inflicting onto Komi. It wasn't Komi's fault. Komi just existed at the wrong time in Asami's life and that made her a target. Asami was probably just insecure about something and putting that on Komi.
It didn't mean anything.

After everything, it was hearing Present Mic on the microphone that Shoto was versing Iida that made the tears prick on Komi's eyes.
Annoyed with everything so far within the day, it was finally catching up to her. Endeavour, Asami and the fact that an almost stranger could do what Komi had been trying for years.

And she was having such a good day. She was enjoying the festival. She was having fun. But fun was a privilege Komi didn't get enough of. The black haired girl rested her head on the desk as she tried to breath.
Her anger grew into tears and now it was only making her more angry.

Komi heard everything that was going on from Present Mic over the loudspeakers, but she still felt bad that she wasn't watching her brother's fight. She wanted to be there, but at the same time she wanted nothing but for the earth to remove her from where she was.

Komi wore Fuyumi's old shirts as she slowly ate at the protein power Endeavour had given her. For a week straight, this was all she was to eat -despite the fact she was 8 years old. But Komi had proved herself to Endeavour, so he was allowing both Shoto and Komi to watch some TV in their downtime before their next lesson.

It was just the news, but Komi's spoon of pure protein power didn't reach her chapped lips when she watched the story about the villains being killed in an earthquake mid robbery. Komi kept on reading their names, looking at their faces, looking at their quirk information.

"Last night, when a bank on Tsutomi street was actively being robbed, a fatal 8.5 earthquake struck the town and it's surrounding forests. The building collapses, killing the 6 hostages and injuring two more." The news lady explained as videos and surveillance footage over played the screen.

"The villains were killed, after bring crushed under the building. The police have just released this information..."

The screen then changed to a man who had a long beard and tired looking eyes as the entirely of his nose was green and shaped like the head of broccoli. "Emiri and Itsuki Shizuki were killed at approximately 5:27pm last night...from the information we have, the two individuals were known as villains who have committed a serious of crimes across Japan. With the more recent data we've collect, we can confirm that 8 years ago, the Shizuki's did have a baby and through records, we've track this child to her current location."

Komi suddenly heard the yells and cars pulling up outside the house. She heard Endeavour's yells, and it all came true.

"The daughter of the Shizuki criminals is known as Kuyami Shizuki and she is currently under the care of the pro-hero Endeavour, please rest assure we ar-"

The TV turned off and Komi and Shoto spun around to find Endeavour at the door of the room. For a moment, he glance between the two before striding forward and yanking Komi from her spot, pulling her away from his masterpiece.

Komi officially just didn't know what to feel anymore. The happiness from the start of the day, the disappointment each time she tried to share her happiness with Shoto. The hate she held for Endeavour or the stupid tears that Asami was able to bring to her eyes.
No, what was wrong. Asami didn't bring the tears to Komi's eyes. The tears that threatened to fall from Komi's eyes were from the pent up shit throughout the day.

But if Komi spent most of her time thinking about everything about her life that was how it was, then Komi wouldn't be where she was today.
Komi was a fighter, she always has been and always will be. She cannot let the rot consume her, so Komi moved on.

She left all her feelings in the waiting room and she walked out towards the stadium where she would be fighting her next opponent. And like she thought it would go down, Komi saw Bakugo on the other side, a scowl on his face as usual.

And for the first time,
there was a little click inside of Komi as she saw Bakugo standing there. He was confident enough to blaze the class at the start with the false school pledge, he was arrogant and in some ways, his cruel words and temper reminded Komi of Endeavour.

But Bakugo was no Endeavour.
However, when the match started, that detail got lost in Komi's mind.

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