chapter 6 - backhand

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When Komi got back home, she didn't stop and hide another one of Endeavour's shoes. The girl was tried and she just wanted to rest.

Shoto and Komi walked side by side until the girl reached her room. The noirette threw her bag down on the ground and crawled up the wall until she reached her hammock.

Her tense muscles slowly relaxed as she closed her eyes and shoved her face into her pillows.
Her relaxation didn't last long as she heard the front door open and close with subtext of aggression.

Komi sat up, she knew it was Enji, but he wasn't ever home this early. She hesitated before getting out of her bed and jumping down on the floor.
When she opened her door she saw Shoto make eye contact as he past her door.

The two walked down and peered over the wall edge to see Endeavour, still in his hero costume.

"I know your there." He said almost instantly. "Stop playing games and come out."

Komi glanced at Shoto, but the boy didn't look at her. He walked out first, and like always, Komi felt in his shadow as Enji only talked to him.

"I heard what happened at your school. Are you injured?" Endeavour crossed his arms and look down on his son.

"I'm fine."

The fire-hero scoffed and shook his head, moving past the both of them.
"That school needs to work on its security system."

Komi stared at the ground for a moment, running her tongue over her teeth. She was well-aware the man never asked if she got hurt, let alone spared her a look.

However, the black haired girl did notice the path Endeavour was walking on, and upon waiting and following, he stopped at the door of the training room.

"Both of you change, I want you here within the next 5 minutes." He said, opening the door.

Komi opened her and crossed her eyes, she looked to Shoto who has a pissed expression on his face

"You can't be serious." Komi finally said, close enough to glare at the man in front of her.

"Excuse me?" Endeavour's eyes dilated and burned down on her.

"We just got out of a villain attack- I mean, for once, could we not have a break?" Komi was careful with her tone. The last time she retaliated to Endeavour, things didn't end well.

"I want my son to surpass All Might, and breaks do not come with that deal." Endeavour's aura got deadly and Komi could feel the prices of the cold on her neck.

"Didn't you take a break when that villain gang tore your leg?" Komi narrowed her eyes and a spiking ice cold feeling shot through her neck.

Enji's backhand hit her face, but Komi managed to stand standing. "You do not talk to me like that in my house."

"She's not wrong. I'm not training, all I want to do is rest." Shoto stepped forward.

"...Fine, go on in your rebellious phase, but I expect you both here by sunrise, tomorrow." And just like that, it was all fixed.
There was no need for the slap or demeaning way Enji chose his words.

Komi felt Shoto's hand rest on her shoulder before he moved on to go back to his room.
She walked up the stairs and went to her room.

Her empty, plain, dry and useless room. She stopped in the middle of it, letting the choking feeling of anger bubble up, letting it simmer and boil until it overflowed and Komi's vision got blurry as her eyes reddened.

Endeavour was a buff man, and the sting on Komi's cheek hurt. Only a single meek tear fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheek when she heard someone walk in the door. She wiped her eyes and turned to the sound, watching one of them maids walk in.

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