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this is a half continuashon from the last one

Zuko is stressing out trying to get the mess that is the fire naishon back to a decent state after the war, this mostly consists of him wrighting papers, doing public things, sighning papers, not intracting with many pepole outside the palce for like a week straight, Aang floting into the casle to get him out the fire naishon for a bit, visting iroh in bahsingsay. in that exact order.  Everytime Zukko evidently falls back into paper work it worries the Gaang, Espeshaly Sokka. this ends up makeing Kattara's mum freind insticts go off and she ends up also joining in on the Bi-weekly 'drag zuko out of the stress of papers' thing Aang does. Sokka, incredibly worried about his boyfrends reguler and enevitable 'stress-attacks' desigheds that hes gotta do something about this. that something being: practically flooding the place with flowers by the end of the year.

T: "sokka, what are you holding"

S: "flowers for zuko"

t: "thats gay"

s: "i dont know what you want from me"

to be conpleatly honest this was not the first time sokka bumped into toph on the way to give zuko flowers. Infact it happed almost everytime.

-at the palace-

gard: "hello again sokka, same as usal"

s: "yup"

gard: "this is the gayest bromance i've ever witnessed." "i mean that with no disrespect"

s: "none taken, and i mean it is"

gard: "is what-  ohhhh" the gard relises

s: "if you know you know. don't tell anyone he doen't want to come out fully yet"

gard: "got it, i'll let you in now"

sokka walks in to see his boyfreind face down in a pile of papers

s: "you okay there hotshot"

z: "yes and no"

s: "here i broght you some flowers. now, do you wanna tell me what happened"

z: "half these papers are concerning heirs. I'm only 26, calm down people."

s: "i cant say i expected that"

z: "i wasn't either"

*long pause*

s: "we probably shouldn't trust azula to procreate"

z: "I've seen her try and flirt with someone, it ended horribly" he Giggles "i think that guys married now"

s: "does he know it was her?"

z: "no i don't think so love"

s: "that's amazing, do you know his address?"

z: "Shockingly i do. we went to his house party"

s: "can i send him some mail"

z: "write it then ill read it"

S: "heck yeah" he kisses Zuko

z: "you're so stupid sometimes" he smiles

Sokka skribbles down some words, as Zuko continues looking through papers

s: "Done"

zuko reads it, "did you really call my sister a crazzed maniac"

s: "did i lie"

Z: "no, you didn't" "may i add something"

s: "sure, go ahead"

zuko adds a bit, the letter reading:

dear Chan, i apolagise for whatever i inadvertantly caused by useing the firelords letters for this. My name is Sokka, the avatars Girlfreds brother and good freind of the firelord, Zuko. I am writeing to you becase a story from Zuko's pre redemption era came up in convosaishon. a story about a spesific house party you held at the address this has been sent to. im here to confirm, you have indeed been hit on by the crazzed maniac that is the firelords sister, Azula. i'm just saying, you doged a bulet. no, you doged a meatior.

Hello, I apolages for that. this is firelord zuko wrighting now to clear up a few things, we where on a trip during this house party and we desigheded to use difrent names for some reson. i went by lee, god knows what azula called herself. we where with 2 other girls. I'm so sorry for the flying red flag that is my sister, i think its quite ovius neither of us had ever really spoken to someone our age outside of firenaishon noble familys. Thank you for haveing us and dealing with the fireball of trama that was teenage me and azula.

sighned, Firelord Zuko and Sokka of the Southern water tribe.

z: "i'll post that right now"

-time skip-

zuko was lieing awake that night, mostly thinking about those papers. Zuko was gay he most likely wouldent have an heir for a while if ever, but its clear that was something he needed to figgure out eventaly. would he even make a make good dad? Sokka totaly would...

wait why was he thinking so deeply about this? Was it because deep down somewhere he wanted that? he wasnt reddy yet anyway, was he? he wasnt. he needed to sort so much stuff out with himself, with the fire naishon before he could even start that.

he found himself at 3 am doing the eqvilent of googleing how it would theoreticly work. he couldent stop himself, he was just curious.

"babe, its 3 in the morning. come back to bed" sokka yawned

Sokka had been staying over more and more frequently, as well this was where most his stuff he couldn't carry when traveling was.

"yeah sorry love, I'll come back"

sokka curled around his boyfreind, zuko going a bright pink. he'd never felt this genuenly loved and happy before in his life. he smiles drifting off to sleep.

-time skip becase i want to reach 1000 words- -in the morning-

s: "morning your hottness" he says laghthing at his own joke as zuko wakes up

z: "morning love" he yawns

s: "i borrowed that book you left on the tabel last night, is that fine"

z: "yeah that's- Wait what, oh no" *he flushes bright pink*

s: "babe its fine, i find it amusing"

z: "this is so embarrassing" *he hides his face in his hands*

s: "here's your book back, i'm going to go back to the spare room before someone see's me" he places the book on zuko's lap before kissing his cheack and heading off

z: "okay, love you" he looks down at the book noticeing a book mark on a page he hadn't looked at yet

IVF? Sokka genuily had just pozed a soluition to his probelm. He hadn't told anyone this but he was atleast semi aware of this before hand as it breifly came up when talking to Mei and Tylee the other day. infact he now relises they where pre-emptively poesing a solishon for if he ever wanted kids. Why had literally everyone thought of this but him?


i know the end was a little weird but this is simply set up for a later chapter. honestly this chapter was origanaly called flowers then i almost changed it to baby fever but that was too weird. also im writeing on my laptop that's why the spacing is weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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