first gay marriage in 🔥 nation since the war

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Zukko had recently passed a law removeing the law against same-sex marriage and added a new right
'Everyone has the right to freedom of marriage no matter the gender, or lack their of, of either partner'
Sure it was difficult and he had been called woke and several other slurs by traditional fire nationists, but it was worth it.
Especially since today was the day his friends Mai and Tylee were getting married, he did date mai in the past but it was mostly just a formal thing. Besides they were both exclusively attracted to their own gender.
Zukko had thought about marrying his boyfriend, alot, but he didn't want people to think he removed law against same-sex relationships just for that. Plus he wasn't ready to come out to everyone yet.
Mai, Tylee, Sokka, Katara, and toph knew; aang probably suspected something.

S: "I thought you were joking when you said you were going to officiate the wedding"
Z: "why would I joke about that?"
S: "I don't know, I didn't think you'd go that far"
S: "haha, imagine if your younger self saw you now"
Z: "huh?"
S: "I'm talking about the god awful hairstyle zukko, it's hard to believe that was you"
S: "you kicked me 🙁"
Z: "when?"
S: "I am offended you don't remember 😔"
Z: "why are you like this"
He smiles slightly
S: "I don't know..."
Zukko kisses Sokka's cheack

*Gentle nock*

Z: "who is it?"
I: "it's Iroh"

Iroh spent most of his time in bai-sing-sei nowadays. not many people there knew of his relation to the fire nation. He had come over to be present for the wedding.

Z: "come in"
I: "morning Zu, morning sokka"
S: "sup, uncle Iroh"
Z: *looks at sokka* "I'm sorry what" *flustered mess*
S: "huh? Iroh is everyone's honery uncle. Even Aang does this. Even before you joined" "You didn't know"
A: *floating up to the window* "why hello there"
I: "hello"
A: "hello uncle"
S: "Ha zukko we stole your uncle"
K: *from bellow* "don't steal his uncle let the poor guy have some familial security"
T: "nah, I'm stealing him" *cralls up wall and into zukkos room*
K: "what did I just watch"
I: "I didn't think that was even possible" iroh says, half conserned half amused.
A: "that's toph for you"
K: "I'm gonna use the stairs*
T: "hah, loser"
A: "toph!"
T: "I do what I want"

A: "Sokka, I had a dream where you begged to borrow ozi's fire bending and we gaslight zuko into thinking katara was the avatar because I messed with everyone's bending"
S: "that sounds fun"

-at the wedding after party-
Z: "I'm so sorry about the camera's"
Mei: "it's fine honestly Zuko"
Ty: "yeah this way we don't have to pay for a photographer"

-Bouquet throw-
Ty: "yeet" *bouquet gets thrown like 9 ft in the air*
The group of mostly ladies run trying to get the bouquet💐.  However the bouquet flys in a sorta weird pattern.
Zuko and Sokka had finally found somewhere away from the chaos, sure they would totally participate but Zuko wasn't ready to come out yet. so there he was listening to Sokka ramble on about random southern water tribe trivia, He looked at him with so much love in his eyes that if the cameras were on him, he'd probably get outed. Suddenly out of nowhere Sokka gets Smacked in the face with the bouquet, startling both boys. And yes their faces where caught on camera.
K: "how in the world, they where miles away"
Mei: "Aang, did you mess with it"
A: "no, why would I do that."
Ty: "eh-he :3"
Mei: "Love, how in the world did you make the pattern so specific. It literally made a heart in the air"
A: "the heart was in fact me"
Tylee: "darling, put your hand out"
Mei: "Okay??
Tylee: *cutely air bends a little*
Mei: "Aang I swear to god"
Mei: "explain why the hell I feel air bending"
Ty: *air bends on Aang's bald head cutely*
A: "what the hell was that"
Ty: "eh-he :3"
Ty: "I discovered I could do that like a week ago lol. I am completely and utterly horrible at it"
Z: "hey, mei. What was that"
Mei: "turns out my wife is a descendant of air nomads"
Z: "oh, that's a nice surprise"
Mei: "let's do another one, without air bending then shall we"
She throws her bouquet, it almost hitting Zuko but Aang catches it with air bending to avoid outing Zuko, throwing it at Sokka. The meaning doesn't change, he just avoids his friend having roomers going around about him.
Mei: "Aang I thought we said no air bending"
A: "Zuko said to airbed it to Sokka if it's about to hit him"
Mei: "oh, Zuko I guess you gotta get your act together then"
Z:  *a flustered mess*  "both times?!?!"  "Honestly at this rate I should just come out" he thinks.

-back @ the place-
T:  "it's awfully quiet in here, I can feel Sokka and Zukos heart rates soreing . What happened"
K: "they caught both bouquet's"
Z: "I think I wanna stop hiding"
K: "huh?"
Z: "I want to stop caring if someone finds out. But I don't want to explicitly say it outright, I think that's the last thing the fire nation needs"
A: "what do you mean"
Z: "the fire nation is still largely populated by homophobes, not only is it risky for me to come out being firelord. But it'll most likely remove quite a large chunk of support for the monarchy, and then I can't change anything about the messed up system this nation ran on"
Z: "but still, I can't live like this forever. I want to get out of the representation I've felt for my entire life until now"
T: "Period king 👑 slay💅🏻"
Katara looks at her brother who is now looking at Zuko with love and pride (🏳️‍🌈)
S: "this is why I love you, your ability to realise what's wrong and change it is so admirable."
A: "Sokka can you pass me one of the bouquets from earlier"
S: "sure"
A: "Zuko, put this in your room in the palace. It can be the first sign."
S: "oh my god, this means I can buy you flowers now. Yay!"
T: "gay"

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