He came out of his thoughts with the continuous sound of horn...the truck was coming from front....he would have got into a fatal accident... but in meantime he controlled his car...and prevented the collision....

He parked his car at side on road ...and composed himself... taking a deep sigh...he called Aman...who picked his call in a single ring...

Aman -"Good evening sir"

Abhay-"Prepare all the required documents for the contract... and all those files that I need to see...I'm reaching  office in 15 minutes...sb meri desk pe hona chahiye"

Aman- "O...ok sir".....

Abhay ended the call, feeling a swirling mix of frustration, anger, and disappointment. The need to calm himself down was overwhelming, and he knew that he needed some time alone to process everything that had just happened. This wasn't the first time a similar incident had occurred in his life, and the weight of constantly shouldering the blame was beginning to take its toll on him.

Time and time again, Abhay had found himself in situations where he had to bear the brunt of the blame, whether it was warranted or not. He had remained patient, understanding that situations could be complicated, and mistakes could happen. But now, it felt like his patience was running thin, and he could feel his breaking point approaching.

Despite his own internal turmoil, Abhay knew that he had responsibilities he couldn't ignore. He couldn't allow his personal problems to overshadow the joyous occasion of his friends Rishi and Janhavi's wedding. This was a moment that they would cherish for the rest of their lives, and Abhay couldn't bear the thought of being the one to cast a shadow over it.

As he contemplated his next steps, Abhay was torn between his own need for solitude and the obligation he felt towards his friends. He understood that he couldn't abandon them during such a momentous occasion, but he also knew that he needed to address his own emotions before he could be truly present for them.

Taking a deep breath, Abhay made a decision. He would take some time for himself, to clear his mind and regain his composure. Once he felt more centered, he would return to the celebrations and be there for Rishi and Janhavi, supporting them in any way he could.

In the midst of his own struggles, Abhay found solace in the thought of being there for his friends. Their happiness and the love they shared was a beacon of light in the darkness that seemed to be clouding his own life. Abhay held onto the hope that maybe, just maybe, this moment of joy and celebration would also bring some clarity and peace to his own troubled heart.
Unaware of what more destiny has decided for him.....

He reached office and entered his cabin....Aman was already present there ..he was sweating... praying that God save him from his boss wrath....

Abhay -"Show me those documents"

Aman- "Yes...yes sir"
He handed him the documents...

Abhay went through them thoroughly....

Abhay -"It's perfect...iski soft copy bhi rkhna apne pass...in case if we need it"

Aman- "Ok sir"

Abhay one by one went through all those files that needed his attention and guided Aman what do to next...after checking the last file...

Abhay -"Make sure it's done"

Aman- "Yes sir"

Abhay getting up from chair and buttoning his coat button..

Abhay- "I'll be leaving for kenya tonight..."

Aman- "Per sir aap toh ek week baad jaane wale thai"

Abhay glared him.. Aman looked down

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