Chapter 10 Lessons

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He did every step slowly and methodically. He added the ingredients to a crucible that he fixed above a flame powered by a magical enchantment within the workbench.

"This must be a lot harder without all of your equipment," Connor said.

"It is. Everything in this workshop was frighteningly expensive and difficult to get, but definitely worth it. Everything about being an alchemist is preparation. Even alchemy itself," Victor said.

The mixture bubbled away, and a putrid odor filled the room.

Connor coughed and gagged.

Was there was a potion for a stronger stomach? He might need one if it got much worse than this.

"Very good. Now, you'll want to start using your alchemy to refine the ingredients. Otherwise, all you'll have is a very disgusting soup, and it won't do anything for you. Except make you sick," Victor said, seemingly oblivious to the noxious fumes.

Connor stood in the circle exactly as his codex depicted, and closed his eyes.

His heart pounded in his chest like a drum. He couldn't help but wonder if his alchemy would work, or if it would be just like his magical talent.

This was the moment of truth.

He reached inside himself as he would for his magic, and willed his alchemy power to connect to the bubbling mixture in front of him.

But, nothing happened.

He ground his teeth. This was it. This had been his last chance!

"Relax, Connor," Victor said, "you're shaking."

"But it's not working!" Connor said.

"Calm down and focus just as I told you. Use the circle. Let it help guide you. That's what it's there for. You've done everything up to this point calmly and meticulously, so relax and approach this as you have each step so far," Victor said.

Connor's heart still hammered in his chest and fear gnawed at his insides like a feral beast, but he forced himself to take deep breaths.

He focused inside himself once more. Feeling for a power he'd never used before. It leaped to obey him, surging and flexing like a muscle he hadn't used in a while. It was difficult and weak, but there and responsive.

Something else gently pressed on his awareness and helped him shape this new energy.

He smiled. It was the circle! It was working! He was doing it!

"That's good, Connor," Victor said, "now keep it there and open your eyes. You'll want to see what you're doing."

He took deep breaths. What if it disappeared the minute he opened his eyes?

But, he steeled himself and grudgingly opened them.

The power inside him flickered a bit, but it remained.

It was still there. It was working. It was nothing like his magic. It responded easily, and it felt incredibly natural to him.

The second he realized this, it was like a switch had been flipped inside his mind. His doubt gave way, and the power within him surged forward.

The white chalk lines at his feet glowed bright red and crackled with energy as red lightning played over his fingers.

He felt like a god.

"Slow it down, and focus on directing the energy into the potion and refining it. The circle will help you, but it won't do everything for you," Victor said.

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