And that alone answers everything.
"How did you know there was a new student arriving??" Now just realizing what she said, I haven't even stepped a foot into that building and already I'm known by the students? I guess first greetings aren't needed then.

The girl gave a nervous smile. "The math teacher was talking to a colleague of her's about how a new student was attending this school and how she has this said student in her class." The girl explained, and that just lets me know whose class I dread going into now.

"Well it was more of a rant than a talk—"
She lastly added.

Yeah... I don't like the sound of this lady at all. Moving on. I introduced myself to her as we both got to know each other a little more during our meeting as we started walking to the same direction again.

"So, who else knows about me?" I asked her as we both made our way towards the school.

"Just me and a few others, I only heard the teachers talking and told a few of my friends about your arrival." She answered once more.


I thanked her for not saying the word to everyone, as I still wanted to introduce myself to some others. She told me about how the school worked, the students, the teachers, and any other things that should be brought up just incase to aware me. Our conversations continued on as we walked down the street, finally making it to the school's front doors. Before stepping inside, Claire grabbed my hand and gave me a concerned look.

"Just know, there are 3 people you don't want to get involved with. They are bullies and the teachers don't do anything to fix their antics." My eyes widen with her sudden change of demeanor. Seriously. Bullies? Just another thing for me to worry about.

"I'm sure they won't target you right away, but I'll stay with you incase those jerks try anything funny towards you." Her gaze turned to a look of determination. It made me a little flustered that she wanted to look out and protect me from these 3 goons, and she seemed pretty serious about it. So I did appreciate her for that.

I nodded my head, making sure I keep my hand attached to hers. Her hand squeezed mine a little, probably a sign of reassurance before the both of us walked inside. It felt like taking the first step on the moon, it also didn't help that there were multiple people around the halls either. The crowded halls, too loud and noisy with people moving around or conversations loud enough for me to hear, I wanted to get out of the area. I tugged on Claire's arm a little to get her attention.

"Hey, could we go to the front office? I need to grab my schedule." I raised my voice a little, just incase she couldn't hear me properly over the commotion in the back. She smiled and nodded, now taking me to a different direction and away from where we once were.

While I was talking with the lady in the front, Claire waited by me patiently. It was nice to have met someone kind enough to give me details of this school and its people before I even got here, and to help me navigate on where I needed to be. I'll repay her at some point. The lady up front handed me my schedule, and I thanked her afterwards. I gave the sheet of paper to Claire, she skimmed through the words displayed on there and her face changed to a joyful look and handed me back my paper.

"I share most of those classes with you, so I can help you through this day and the rest! Let's get going to your first class since school is about to start." She exclaimed excitedly, grabbing my hand once more, taking me to a new area. The halls feel longer than they are, and a little off. Maybe it was just the loud noises from before dying down into a quiet and echoing hallway.


Seriously how echo-y is this hallway? Our steps are literally creating waves of sound right now. That's annoying as hell, but I shouldn't think too much on it.

Me and Claire stood in front of a door, muffled voices coming from it. As I was about to open the door, Claire stopped me once again.

"Just so you know, the teacher isn't as nice as the rest. She was the one that mentioned you."

I'm gonna have a "fun" time in her class then.

"What subject is this again?" I questioned.


Why is it always the math teachers that are bitchy?

Why is it always the math teachers that are bitchy?

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•Claire• ❤️🩶🩶🩶🩶

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