🩷My prince

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Request by imissmybffsadly ❗️🫶🏼
Here is another super cool Au😻✌️🦅🦅🦅
3rd person
The prince had blonde hair and loved nature, he would always sneak out to go to the forest near him, but going outside in the forest was forbidden, so Chester broke the rules sever times, one day his parents ( the king and the queen) decided to hire a personal guard for him, for his own good, which Chester didn't seem to appreciate, he was in the living room looking around, same boring things, he saw a boy whit dark hair next to his parents, he blushed at the sight of him, they locked eye contact both Turing red.
-Mother, father, who is he?
-Someone who can keep you safe from going to the forest.
-what..? You think I need protection? You think I can't protect myself? I DON'T NEED ANYONE TO KEEP ME SAFE!
-we are just trying to keep you on our watch..
-IS THIS A JOKE?I' m not a kid anymore!
Chester ran off furious, he was heading to the forest, the royals ordered the guard to follow him, Chester ran far from the castle into the village and finally in the deep forest, he's topped at a beautiful spot full of flowers and animals, he heard someone it was the guard, he was approaching him.
-I don't need you...
-I know....I heard about you...you're strong and independent, but it's an order...
-you think I'm strong..?
-it takes guts to go in here alone prince Chester.
-I never asked your name.
-My name is Parker.
The both looked at each other, hypnotized, unable to think other than them and this moment.
-tell me more about yourself Parker.
-why? I'm just a guard and you're a prince...we don't have anything in common.
-I think we do have one thing...have you told your family yet?
-.....I can't.....they'll kick me out..-
-I know how it feels...-
-you do don't you?-
-Yes your majesty?-
-kiss me...-
-I'm not good enough for you...-
-kiss me....I order you.-
-Yes, my prince-
They both shared a passionate kiss, the wind started to pick up and everything around them felt like a fairytale,  Hester broke the kiss and stepped away, Parker gave him a worried look.
-it fells wrong...
-what fells wrong your majesty?-
-your a guard, I'm a prince, I'm probably gonna need to choose a princess soon.....and I just met you!-
-run away whit me...we're gonna have more time to k ow each other -
-what..? Really?-
-please your majesty I'm begging you..-
-I'll run away whit you...I fell in love whit you...it's a curse I can't escape...I'm trapped-
-lest be trapped together..-
They both shared another kiss, later that day Chester packed his things, he was gonna escape  whit Parker, and be whit him, finally start a new adventure.

THE END🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❗️❗️❗️
YAY! I'm so proud of this! I hope you liked it! And I hope you enjoyed it  (at ur own risk)

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