thirteen. player

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{thirteen. player}

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The sounds of the bar are loud and musical. Someone's playing the piano in the corner with a bunch of drunk soldiers singing around it. The noises of glasses clinking and people talking fill up the extra space.

It's warm inside, due to the amount of bodies packed into the small main area. Natasha notices, though, that as the girls walk towards the counter, the atmospheric noises lessen.

"Oookay." Natasha looks down as she walks, trying to avoid the attention. "This is terrifying."

Peggy looks around, she's searching for something. Natasha doesn't bother to think of what, she's just trying to hide.

"Peggy, I'm going to go this way." Natasha points to a side room that's out of the way of the main one.

Peggy nods and orders herself a drink. "Don't get too far! I'll be following shortly."

Natasha walks past tables of men uniform who are just blatantly STARING at her. No one's ever prepared for this, truly.


"You gonna follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" Steve puts a hand on Bucky's shoulder, squeezing it.

"Hell no!" Bucky swats his arm away. "That little guy from Brooklynn, the one who was too dumb to run away from a fight?" Bucky points a finger at Steve's chest. "I'm following him."

"You're the greatest friend ever Buck, have I ever told you that?"

"You sure you're not drunk?" Bucky starts to sip his drink.

"No, I already told you...."

Bucky stops listening to his friend the second she walks into their room. Her dress is like a beacon of light in the darkness of the room. All of the lights reflect off of the satin material and all eyes in the room fall on it.

".... Bucky. Bucky? Did you hear what I just said."

"Steve." He points his beer at where Natasha is standing.

Steve turns in his barstool to where Bucky is pointing and his mouth falls open for a second. He has to use his hand to cover the expression on his face as she walks up to them.

"Oh thank goodness!"

Natasha hurries over to the boys at their high top table and stands to the left of Steve.

"I'm finally safe! You would not believe the amount of looks I was getting on the way here."

"Oh I'm sure." Bucky, who's sitting to Steve's right nods, and then after a second blinks and realizes he has to correct himself. "Because you look stunning, Natalie. You really do."

Natasha blushes and looks down. "Thank you James."

"No seriously." Steve's eyes haven't left her. "You really do look beautiful."

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