2 - 18.2.1981

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Dinner with the Harrisons was fine, but I couldn't stop looking at George.

My morning started slow, I did washing and bullshit like that. I drew for a while, then took Dingo on his afternoon walk.

I decked myself out in my usual of three jackets and set off. Like always, Dingo was practically dragging me along. Sometimes I run with him to keep myself warm, but the cold sets off my asthma. As we were walking, we passed by Friar Park, the Harrison house.

It's got a big gate and a garden around the house, but George was working in the front yard. I was gonna pass by silently, but the arsehole heard me.

'Morning, Jess.' he said.

'Morning, Mr Harrison.'

'Taking the dog for a walk?' he asked.

'No, this is my pet fish, Shark.' I said sarcastically. He chuckled.

I couldn't help but admire him; thick brown hair, skin that actually tanned slightly in the sun. He was wearing sunglasses and gum boots and old clothes.

'What are you planting?' I asked.

'Plants.' he responded. I rolled my eyes at him with a chuckle.

Thankfully, Dingo began pulling me off.

'Seeya later, Mr Harrison.' I said.

'See ye tonight.'

I was not excited for dinner, I do not like Olivia Harrison. She's a gorgeous, likeable and sweet lady. The only reason I hate her is because she's married to George. I want him, and that's no secret.

I was playing with Dingo in the front yard when they showed up. I wanted to run inside and hide in my room. I hate social situations.

The actual dinner was fine. Dad made pizza as he does best. He was originally gonna make stew, I hate stew. I complained enough and told dad George was a vegetarian, which  finally made him roll his eyes and change the meal.

Unfortunately, George has a son, he turns three in August. I hate toddlers. His son's name is Dhani, and as soon as he saw Dingo he tried to run over to him. But, hilariously, he tripped. I had to stop myself from laughing, it sounds cruel, but I laugh at everyone. He started crying. Dingo, the little bitch went over to comfort him. The good news, it scored me brownie points with George.

'Ye've got a sweet dog.' he said. I can tell he's more of a cat person.

Olivia had gone over to cradle her son. She gave Dingo a few pats. 

'What's his name?' she asked.

'Dingo.' I responded. I know they thought it was a funny name. 

Especially because George snickered and said, 'Dingo?'

'Yes. Dingo.' I said. George grinned at me, I'm not sure why.

'What breed is he?' Olivia asked.

'Australian shepherd and husky mixed' I responded.

While eating dinner, I sat across from George. I glanced at Dhani a couple times. He reminds me of how my nephew was at that age, although my nephew was much more of a spoilt brat.

George and Olivia kept asking me questions.

'Are you studying?' Olivia asked.

'I was, before I graduated.' I said.

'What were you studying?' she asked.

'Art and music, although I did want to do a physics or math degree, but I'd have no use for either.'

'What are you planning to be?'

'. . . An artist. . .' I answered. George could tell I sounded embarrased by that fact.

'That's cool. The world needs more art.' he said. He's so polite, it made me smile. 'You any good at it?'

'Yeah, I can show you after dinner.' I said.

'Yes please.' he sounded excited.

After dinner, I took them to my little art studio.

'This one's cool.' George said. He was looking at a painting I made of a dragon.

'It's a self-portrait.' dad said, with a dumb joke face.

I wouldn't let myself be defeated in front of George, so I pointed at an ogre I made for an assignment. 'And that's the portrait I made of dad.'

Mum, George and Olivia all laughed. George gave me another grin. I like his grin. It's toothy and slightly uneven, but it's got that. . . genuine feeling. He's sweet. Everytime I see that grin I want to kiss him.

At one point, Dingo walked in. I don't mind him being in the room, but Dhani got excited and ran over to him. Before George or Olivia could stop him, he knocked into a box of photos of mine. It fell on the floor and he gave us a guilty look.

'Oh gosh!' Olivia said. She and George both began to help me pick up the photos. 'Jess, I'm so sorry.'

'It's okay, he's a child.' I said, mainly reminding myself of that fact so I didn't yell at him. 'Besides, they're just photos.' I said.

'You do photography too?' George asked.

'Yeah.' I said.

George chuckled and looked to my father. 'You weren't kidding when you said she does it all.'

'Yep, she's a talented little miss.' Dad said.

'You can look at the photos if you want.' I said. I've been trying to be more friendly, and I guess that includes letting people mess up my stuff. I did have the photos sorted very meticulously, but it's okay.

They seemed impressed by the photos.

'Who's this cutie?' George asked, holding a photo of my dead dog.

'Our old dog, Honey.' I said. 

Mum looked at the photo and gave a reminiscent 'Aww, Honey.'

'She was a golden lab, we got her when I was a baby.' I said.

'She's very cute. You're quite the photographer.' George said.

'Thank you.'

After they left, I found myself missing George. He kept glancing at me, I think he was checking me out. To be fair, I was checking him out, but a lot more subtly. I can't help it, George is just so gorgeous. He's a gorgeous man.

So, that was my night. It was fine, I suppose. Olivia is very pretty, and very nice. If she wasn't married to George, I might like her more. Although I'm jealous of both of them, really.

Anyways, I'll probably sit around tomorrow. God, the life on an unemployed 24-year-old is boring.

- Jess

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