1 - 17.2.1981

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I've been in Oxfordshire for a few weeks now, and I don't like it anymore than I did when I stepped off the plane. It's cold and miserable here. I miss February in Summer. But today, I met George Harrison who, as it turns out, knows my parents quite well.

I had gotten in from walking Dingo. I unclipped his leash and began stomping snow off my boots.

'That's a big dog.' I was still adjusting to hearing English accents all the time and it didn't register that I had heard the voice before.

'Eh. Could be bigger.' I looked up to see him. George fucking Harrison. My dad was at the table, smirking at me. He and mum both know how big of a fan of him I am.

'George, this is my daughter Jess.' Dad said.

'Pleasure to finally meet you, I heard you play eight instruments.' George said.

'Seven.' I corrected.

'Eight, singing.' dad said. I rolled my eyes. He always insists that I include that in the instruments I can play. I can only play four professionally.

'Where's mum?' I asked dad.

'Shopping. George and I were gonna have a little jam, join us?' dad asked.

I didn't know what else to do so I said, 'can't, going out with a friend,' and left.

That was the downside of living with my parents, mainly my father, bringing people over without telling anyone. I'm not saying they need my permission, it'd just be nice for a heads up, especially because of all the times I've stepped outside in pyjamas to find my father has invited everyone on the face of the planet over.

I didn't know what else to do so I grabbed my bike and headed for town and decided to go op-shopping. What bugs me about  England is how they call them 'Charity Shops'. Stupid name in my opinion.

Anyways, I found a pretty cool jacket at an opshop. It's a Belstaff jacket, it's green and now one of my favourite things. It's pretty warm, but doesn't stop the cold. Nothing, stops the cold.

My dad and George were still jamming in the music room when I got home. I think they were having a slide guitar off. I stayed in my room until he was gone.

That's all for today,

- Jess.

Nevermind dad just came to my door and told me we're having the Harrisons over for dinner tomorrow. Fucking great.

February SummerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ