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"When it's your turn state your first and last name, and say something about yourself." The teacher explained, "as an example, I'll start us off!"

The teacher then grabbed a marker and drew his first and last name on the board.

"My name is Thomas Walter and this is my first time teaching my own class," He said in a gleeful tone, "I look forward to being with you all!!"

"Are introductions really necessary? I want to sit back down." Ashlyn sighed.

"Ashlyn Banner, I like dogs." She quickly said trying to get it over with.

"I'm Aiden Clark I like bungee jumping, sky diving, rock climbing, racing, water skiing-" he kept on going for a couple more minutes.

Ben Clark

Ben was napping so Aiden said it instead.

"Hello, I-the-uh... Logan Fields." He fidgeted, "I mean I'm Logan.. I um, I enjoy astrology."

"I'm Taylor Hernandez! I'm in the mechanics club. Come say hi if you get the chance." Taylor waved to everybody in class.

"I'm Tyler Hernandez, yes, we're twin. I'm in the baseball club." Tyler said lazily.

"I'm y/n and I like to listen to music." You quickly answered.

"Alright now that introductions are done," Mr. Thomas said turning on the projector, "let's talk about the semester-long project!"

"Today you'll be choosing your group partners for the project and each group should consist of 7 people each."

"Calm down Ashlyn, don't panic. He might let you work alone-" Ashlyn mumbled to herself.

"Oh, and no one will be allowed to work alone." Mr. Thomas added.

Aiden then hovered over Ashlyn.

"The rest of the class will be about the project, so go ahead and sit wherever you want with your group for today." Mr Thomas mentioned.

Every group dragged there chairs and tables together making a circle.

You were between Ashlyn and Aiden.


Ashlyn tucked her shirt in her knees and laid her head on her knees.

Which reminded Aiden of a turtle.

Luckily for Ashlyn she got to sit between you and Taylor.

"What was the point of assigned seats if it was just going to end up like this?" Ashlyn asked herself.

"Our main focus this semester will be the history of Georgia's oldest city, Savannah." Mr. Thomas explained, "this is also what your project will be about and the topics you'll choose to present on are stated in your rubric."

"Additionally there is an overnight field trip to go along with the project!"

"Of course it's optional, however those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade."

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