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hello, short introduction here( or disclaimer)- this is not a story so don't be surprised if it changes as it goes. think of this like a journal but for writing with the same main character. There is no set story structure or anything like that.  I'm just testing this out. I don't guarantee updates. just whenever I feel like it. so without further adios, enjoy! 


(1900's ish) (im not a history buff and I don't vibe with research) 

The heaving lurch of physical transportation and manifestation zinged through my body as I re-formed and a light was seen at the end of the fabric tear. I reached out with my gloved hands and pulled back my old reality like it was syran wrap and stepped into the light, squinting around at my new surroundings. My time keeper band whirred in calibration and a netlink popped up in my vision, feeding me information but I ignored it. The sun seared my black and blue uniform and I began to sweat in my helmet. Clicking the release button separate panels of my helmet retracted till all I had to do was throw back my hood and visor. I seemed to be in a sort of open cargo hold on a dusty well worn open path, large containment crates sizzled with the heat on their steel bodies.

I reached inside my leather and Ketol coat and placed my favorite shades on and began walking about the area. Some railway tracks cut through just to my left and just a few miles away, faint lights of a town flickered in the distance. I tapped my chin thoughtfully. This didn't seem to be a hostile war ground at all. Just then I heard a bottle clatter to the ground and I turned. Off to the side sitting on upturned packing crates sat a bandy lot of workers in trouser pants and thick cotton shirts each looking at me in horror with the unfinished feast of some icky looking stuff heating over a small fire in a copper pot. A total of five, each with a bottle or canister of spirits or water, two, in the middle of playing a round of cards. I waved nonchalantly at them then began fixing my hair. My bun had loosened and a feisty knot had been bothering me since I left Command Base. Once the staring guys ranging from young twenties to mid forties finished gaping and gathered their wits one older gentleman began blubbering profanities in disbelief, "what in the heck-who the- You just came right of blooming thin air!" I chuckled then fanned the back of my neck. Dark leather and kevlar armor really didn't agree with summer weather. They peered at me with apprehension and fear and some tilted their heads to see me. They couldn't of course, I had a privacy illusion screen shielding my face and no matter how hard they tried all they would see is a face beget in mirage and forgettable. My band around my wrist flared and I pulled up the electronic screen that projected out. It read: OBJECTIVE: contain target in timeline 456E PLANET: ANDAX. SPECIFIED P.O.E (point of entry) : 4097 A.D TARGET: Neutralize. The timeline, specific era and POE that I was currently in read: 1920's A.D TIMELINE STRAIN 40.2 PLANET: EARTH 3-561S I smiled darkly and bit my tongue. I looked up at the group of workmen as they all stood or sat in ridgid silence but I noticed the spell of my sudden appearance wearing off and some move in slight hostile movements. I raised my hands in peace towards them. "I am terribly sorry for the scare I caused you-"

A younger man yelled in accusation, "you just up and popped out of knowhere, damn near shat myself"

I couldn't help but laugh, "and for that I am sorry sir. You see, I made an error on my part. And I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll be on my way now and out of sight." they all grumbled in annoyance at that and in agreement with the other one.

Taking off my shades I tracted my helmet and shaded myself with my hood again and then turned about to find a suitable jumping point. Between two large containment crates and the tracks, a little ways away from my abrupt grumpy Worlders, I found the right point to start the quick but grueling process of time leaping.

Setting my timer I stepped back and grabbed my Hodare knife from my belt and sliced viciously at what seemed to the untrained eye as nothing but what I had done was slice a tear into the fabric of reality like a blade against butter. The area I had cut warped and the colors around me became a mess of puddling haphazard colors without rhyme or reason. The tear crackled like broken TV static and within the largening cut that splintered out like broken glass, electricity coarsed in a funnel of cosmic energy and only I could travel and untangle these dangerous pathways, me and any operative for my agency.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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