Unfettered Phrases: Fourty Eight

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Oh, how I ache to release the words pent up inside,
To let them soar on wings of passion, open wide.
With every fiber of my being, I yearn to express,
The depth of my fondness, beyond any duress.

In the echo of my voice, let the world hear,
The magnitude of my affection, crystal clear.
From the highest peak to the deepest sea,
I'd proclaim my love for you, endlessly free.

With each syllable uttered, with each breath I take,
I'd shout my adoration, make no mistake.
For in your presence, my feelings bloom,
A love so profound, filling every room.

The Cosmos Of Unfettered Phrases Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ