Unfettered Phrases: Eleven

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In the hushed corridors, my system alights,
With every step you take, my heart ignites.
A silent ballet in the hallway's embrace,
Your presence, a serenade, a delicate grace.

Day unfolds, and I secretly smile,
As I witness the moments that beguile.
Your existence, an essence of woven bright,
A canvas of joy, a soft embrace of light.

Amidst the ordinary, a treasure I find,
In the quiet stare, an echo of the mind.
A mere gaze, a language unsaid,
Completing my day, where emotions are led.

Each stride you make, a rhythm so sweet,
A melody in my heart, a clandestine beat.
The day's journey, a canvas you paint,
Completing my world, an enchanting saint.

The Cosmos Of Unfettered Phrases Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ