Fragments Resurface

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Kaori looked at the doors with a curious gaze. The headquarters was a decent size, and Paimon was already knocking. Lumine and Kaori smiled before saying, "Open Sesame~"

No reaction. Kaori sighed, looking at Kaeya. "Maybe we just need to set the doors on fire?"

Kaeya snorted. "Amusing. But do I need to remind you that I have Cryo vision?" 

Kaori mused about it. "Do I need to remind you that I have Anemo vision?"

Lumine laughed. Wind and fire equals to a flaming tornado. She was actually afraid, though, that Kaori would make Amber set the doors on fire through threatening and maybe the torture mentioned earlier.

"Fine. No fires. Lemme just~" Kaori sang, knocking in a random pattern.

The doors opened.

"Yay!" She celebrated, and Kaeya's shocked face was priceless. Amber quickly gave Kaeya a warning gaze for him to bite back his retort as Lumine, Kaori and Paimon entered the headquarters.

The first person they saw was a beautiful blonde-haired lady in fighting attire. On an elevated platform was a librarian that reminded Kaori of a witch- the pretty ones, mind you.

"Jean, I've brought them," Kaeya raised his hand in greeting. Kaori happily waved as the two ladies snapped to attention. 

Kaeya quickly recounted the story with ease, and Amber nodded along, sometimes cutting in at times to add details. 

"...And once it was over I brought them straight here," Kaeya finished. Kaori gasped. "My, if so, that Cryo Slime must have been your pet for a long time, hmm? Totally didn't get it just then?"

Amber giggled. "You did give it to him."

Kaori acted offended. "No, it just teleported there."

Lumine laughed, quickly toning it down to giggles as the librarian looked at them fondly. The blonde-haired woman thought about the story for a moment before finally talking.

"Mondstadt welcomes you, windborne travelers. I am Jean, the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. This is Lisa, our resident librarian," Jean formally introduced. Kaori looked at the two ladies with a polite smile.

"Oh, are you sweeties here to help us out? You three are so adorable!" Lisa cooed, and Lumine blinked, Paimon blinked, Kaori blinked.

Oh. Not Kaori, she was too busy admiring the Cryo Slime.

Jean coughed, cutting straight to the point. "With Stormterror now directly attacking Mondstadt, we may have an opportunity to cut off this problem at its source."

Kaori frowned. "You mean... kill it by stabbing it in the heart? Now that's a new low."

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