Meeting Olga for the solutions (CYOS)

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Olga thought on that. She was certainly creativive. And without a doubt
imaginative. Her whole birthday party set at a mall cost her parents an
exorbitant amount of funds. But, it was a great success financially.
Crazy cute girls had the store to peruse and found items that they just
had to have. The boys they took, pushed them into the more provocative
outfits, which naturally were on"sale' DESPITE being the same ordinarily
price. Thousands and thousands of dollars was one, and better still, it
was free advertising to the mall, as all the girls would share==where
they got their great merch. It probably wouldn't last. But Olga had her
prize right there with him. A character that was going to do anything
she told him to. Many of the other quests were invited and unreliable.

Danni, so you showed up in my party univited, looking gorgeous by the
way. And we had a little chat. We had a few drinks, and you quickly
realized you were having more fun as a girl than you ever did as a man.
You wanted your brother Tom to join you, so that you could both be girls.
He refused. But you grabbed another girly cocktail, and probably played
strip tease with some of the men.

Some of the men?"

"Well, one in particular. He and his buddy were here to buy us food and
margaritas. We let them sit at out table. You mentioning how beautufil
my eyebrows were, to which I has said that they were lazered on. The
guys immediately encouraged you to do the same.

But I saved you. Olga said, "There was no time to laser eyebrows to be
just the way you want. The best they could do would be to get you TATTOO

"And that's what they did. They held me down and tattoos me against my
will. They ruined me."

"No, that's not how it happened. It was like a dare of sorts. Lets give
our Danni a tramp stamp to make him feel like a real girl. And did it?
You said of course it I did. But if that wasn't enough, then maybe a
rose tattoo on the shoulder. Clearly feminine but you weren't saying no
to that either. Sure, you were drunk by then. And I think maybe high on
Xanax or some other mood enhancing drug. In any event, you were very
agreeable. So, in ersessene, we made a few suggestions, and you
generally went along with them.

'No lasting damage though," Olga said. "We just start you on treatment
to get them reversed. I have a friend with a new method named Freddie
(the technician) over there.''

"Most tattoo removal works by body res absorption. Light waves break it
up, and your body expels it. We have a system that should be faster and
hurt less. Most ink is magnetic, so we run a probe making small
incisions to magnetically draw the ink out. We've gotten decent results
on this process. But there is the possible side effect that it
strengthens and settles the ink already there. Typically this process is
tried much later..."

Olga sighed and looked at Danni. Well, I know about that Laser tattoo
removal. I have had several done. It takes 2-3 years. For your face,
those sensitive areas? Might be closer to 4 years. And you run the risk
of scarring and discolloration. Under that party, I don't see how you
don't graduate University wearing a cap and gown in our school's colors
for the girls. Plus, if you just admit to be a full transsexual, the
school will protect you and you'll keep that scholarship and not have to
deal with any of this. Just have to maintain your transition into a
woman.' Olga said

"2 to 3 years, maybe 4? That too long to wait. I'm already a nervous
wreck now. Will I be discovered, will I be expelled, will I be arrested,

Olga" well, with your dress and perfumer, your worry should be will I be
raped tonight?" And she chuckled. "I should have brought Matt along.
He's a quite gay guy I know. But I think he would love this ideas of you
Danni. You are just his sort of woman."

"Well, which is it kid? The magnetic flush or Traditional Laser

"What are the costs of each?" Danny asked, not sure what to say to the

The sales technician looked Danni over. 3 tattoos plus the permanent
make up. This was not gong to be easy, and appeared it would require
about 15-22 sessions. Each session by standard practice required a 2
month heeling period before the next treatment. Danny's best case
scenario was about 2 and a half years, with a cost of well over $36000.
This unwanted news was exactly what he had expected.

"Danny," Olga said. "My family has some means, but much of it is tied up
in investments and not available to me. I don't think i could arrange
that on my own. I could come clean to your lifestyle to our family, they
will help you I am sure (and simultaneously no longer see her as the

Or, option work at the mall from the other night. I fix you up
with a job, say $15 per hour at about 30 hours per week. It might take a
year, but you'll earn that money quicker than you think! (Danny had ran
the math, noting it would be well over a year.

The technician said: There are 2 more options to get this done. You
finance my magnet probe to try to remove it at a fraction of the cost.
$5000, we slip him into the machine and run the magnet over him. If it
works, he will be cured later this week.

Danni: "That does seem to be like the miracle cure.'

Technician; WELL, that leads to option 2. You work as a porn star or
hooker to save up the money you need to get the life that you wish to

Danny: That's so gross and demeaning...

Olga: "And yet, millions of women do it each year. Some get to do so
becoming First Lady.

So, what's it going to bee?


A. Save and spend the $36,000 for laser removal?
B. Work for Olga as a means of getting that money?
C. She does the experimental magnetic plan for $5000
D. She decides to come out to her school as Transgender for the benefits.

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