Getting ready to meet Olga

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The rest of Danni's day was fairly uneventful. He found it unusual for
people to hold doors open for him, and he found it odd that when he began
a new class that it wasn't guys but rather girls that initially chatted
him up as a friend. And he found it especially uncomfortable the few
times he thought some guy was looking at him a bit too long, or in one
instance, asking him questions about what (s)he was studying and thought
of school.

He was lost. He did not know how to respond. He could not distinguish
between what might be innocent harmless conversation, and what might be
unwanted romantic intentions.

Meanwhile, as the day wore on, he almost forgot what he was wearing. The
skirt and top were attractive, but as the hours passed...he did not feel
like a clown on display for everyone. Instead, he was getting no weird
looks or laughter, and people treated his attire as entirely appropriate.

When his last class was finished at 3pm, he headed back to his dorm and
found Charlotte already there. She was gabbing on the phone with some
person, it sounded like a boyfriend, but Danny couldn't tell by just
hearing one side of it. He set his books down in his little room, and
went out to get himself a soda to relax.

As he opened the bottle and took a sip, Charlotte had finished her call,
and made an amused sigh, and she looked over to Danni.

"Guys...always the same. Am I right?"

"Ummm," Danny said, not knowing what to say. "I guess."

"Yeah. That was Patrick. We hooked up last semester a few times, and
then this whole summer...nothing. But, now that schools back in
session...he's scratching at my door like a homesick little puppy."

"I guess he sort of fancies you," Danny said, not knowing what to do the

"He just wants back into my bed. A little nookie and person to pass the
lonely nights with. He isn't serious at all. Few men in college are.
You'll find out I'm sure."

"Well," Danny said, wanting to avoid this conversation. "I'm not really
here for the party scene. I need to work hard in my classes if I wish to
get into a good medical school, and I'm not sure if I'll be too active on
the dating scene."

"Hush girl," she replied. "I said the same thing when I started last
year. But you know what? You're young and in the prime of your life.
This is your time to live! Besides, you aren't fooling me with that. No
one gets eyeliner and lips done the way you do and then says that she
isn't here to date. And that tramp stamp? Might as well ring the dinner
bell for the lads down at the frat house. Your body is screaming for
attention...and with the way you look, and the shy demeanor you
have...I'm sure you'll be beating them off with a stick."

"If she plays her cards right...she'll just be beating them off," Alicia
said, as she entered and caught the end part of that conversation. This
caused Danny to blush, as he got an image of himself on a date with some
college guy and found himself alone giving the guy a handjob. It scared
him to pieces. He had never been with anyone sexually, and never seen
another man's penis outside maybe gym class, but even then...he didn't
look or think of them in that way. Surely men wouldn't find him
attractive to want to date him like that, and even if they did, surely he
could escape this predicament before that happened. Right?

But then, he thought back to his math. The money and time to remove the
tattoos said that it would be a minimum of 2 years, probably longer. Two
years of his college life at least spent in skirts and heels. Years when
he should be out chasing girls, he would instead be the one fending off
the chasers. It was terrifying to think about. He was certain that he
had to make sure to make that appointment tonight with Olga. She was his
best hope out of this.

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