Getting ready to meet Olga

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's good talking, but I should get things ready. I have to go
out tonight," Danni said, trying to excuse himself.

"Going out? I thought you didn't have time for anything but school,"
Charlotte teased.

"It's not like that, I'm meeting my cousin downtown. A place called the
wharf. I hear it's fancy."

"Fancy? Yeah, that's an understatement," Alicia said. "The school held
last year's Holiday Ball there. It's a black tie sort of place."

"No way would your cousin simply meet you there out of the blue, I think
she's bringing you a fella to meet. A little impromptu double date

"No, I don't think she'd do that. She's not very..."

"Danni, we'll help you get ready. I think you'll want to do your hair
up, so run into the shower, and we'll pick you out a cute outfit. Just
in case you are being set up with a new beau," Alicia offered.

"Well...ok, if you insist," Danny said, happy just to excuse himself to

His shower felt refreshing. His body was smooth from the morning lotion,
and this time, the soap and suds ran down his smooth body in a very
soothing way. He applied a generous amount of conditioner to his hair,
and once rinsed out, it was very silky and shiny. He wrapped a towel
around his body, covering up his chest as a woman would, and looked into
the mirror. That damn make up was still there. Certainly, no amount of
scrubbing or water was going to remove it. His research today told him
that on its own, it would perhaps fade a bit in about 10-15 years. So,
removal was his only hope for a normal life. Well, a normal male life
anyway. It seemed readily apparent that he was somewhat capable of
living a passably female life at the moment with the tattoos he had.

He returned to his room, and saw the girls had laid out a short burgundy
dress, with a strapless bra and matching panties in black. An unopened
package of nylons was there for him as well, as were a pair of 3 inch
heels also in burgundy. This being an outfit picked out and fawned over
by the girls yesterday on their shopping spree. He put the underwear on,
and took the nylons out of the package. He found it incredibly difficult
to unroll them and insert his legs into them, but once he got his feet
into them, the rest was easy as they slid up his hairless legs. With the
nylons, the panties and the bra on (which he again supplemented with the
inserts he had been given), he looked in the mirror and saw a nearly
naked sexy woman. He was quite turned on by the image of himself, and
struck a pose or two to see the clothes on him in a few different angles.
He had to stop when he suddenly realized that he was about to get too
aroused, thereby ruining the image in the mirror, which did not meet his
normal self image of himself.

He slipped into the dress, and zipped it up. His damp hair was still
wrapped in the towel, and he realized that he had no idea how to "put his
hair up" as had been suggested. He exited his room, and found Alicia and
Charlotte waiting for him.

"Hey, guys," Danny said, "I've never put my hair up, can one of you help

"I can," Charlotte said. "Sit in this chair and let me get my stuff."

Danni sat in the chair, and soon Charlotte was circling around him, using
various pins and brushes to get his hair just the way she wanted it. It
took about an hour, but eventually his long hair was wrapped into a
formal looking bun atop his head, leaving it off his shoulders and his
neck very exposed. The burgundy dress hung off him radiantly, and with
his dark nylons and red heels, it looked as if he was ready for prom.

"Just need a few more touches," Alicia said, evaluating the end result.
She returned with a dangly necklace, that hung about 2 inches above
Danni's manufactured cleavage. "Also, this isn't a perfect match, but no
one could tell unless they evaluated them side by side," she said, as she
clasped what appeared to be a matching bracelet onto her left wrist. "A
purse won't do, but I have a black clutch for your money and stuff.
Also, there'll be a few things in it that every girl should have, just in

"That's great," Charlotte said. "Almost done!"

"Almost?" Danni asked, not sure what else they had in mind.

Before he realized it, Charlotte turned back around with a perfume bottle
and sprayed him about a dozen times all over, creating almost a misting
cloud surrounding him. He coughed a bit, as he rose from the chair,
still in the mist.

"There! Perfect," Charlotte said, very pleased with herself.

Danny walked a few steps, but all he could smell was the perfume. It
lingered on him and was very feminine, and very noticeable. He didn't
know what to say, but offered his thanks just the same.

"If your cousin does bring a date...heaven help you girl. He's going to
be head over heels with you!"

"Nonsense," Charlotte said. "He's going to be hands all over you!" she
said, joking but one that Danny did not find funny.

"Well, I guess I should get going. It's almost 5, and I told her I would
be there at 6, and I'm not sure how far the walk is."

"Oh...we have plenty of time, I'll give you a ride," Alicia said, as she
sat on the couch.

"Yeah silly. Walk to the Wharf? It's only about 2 miles, but in those
heels you'll be in agony when you arrived. Besides...if some passerby
caught sight of you, he might make you his girlfriend before you ever
managed to meet this new guy on your secret double date!"

"Yeah, good idea," Danny said, getting used to Charlotte's tone of
conversation, and choosing to ignore it. He was actually grateful to
have a ride as it would spare him the trouble of walking, and the
humiliation of walking downtown in a dress and heels.

"We can leave in about 30-40 minutes. That will still be plenty of time,
it's only about a 5 or 10 minute drive," Alicia said, opening a bottle of
Merlot. "Also, gives you a chance to pre-game this bitch, she said, as
she poured 3 glasses of the red wine.

"Yay! It's wine o'clock," Charlotte said, taking her glass.

Danni accepted his glass. He was nervous about his whole situation, and
being in a dress and heels and covered in perfume was only making him
more anxious. So, he took the glass, and swallowed it nearly whole
almost immediately.

"Damn," Charlotte said. "You must really like it."

"It's alright," Danni said, as Alicia refilled Danni's glass for her.
"Maybe it's just because I'm nervous about tonight is all."

"See? You think it's a secret double date too!"

"Who knows?" Danni said, not knowing how to defuse the conversation. The
wine was working, and she was calming down a bit with these two girls.
Maybe things would sort themselves out. He would see Olga soon, and she
could tell him what happened, and then also perhaps help him get out of
this mess. It was his best hope he reminded himself.

After 3 and a half glasses, he went with Alicia to her car to drive to
the restaurant. Charlotte stayed behind, and so Danni rode up front in
the passenger seat. She was feeling somewhat tipsy in the car, and much
of the traffic seemed to be in a haze in her mind. It was indeed a short
drive, and before she realized it, they had arrived.

Alicia pulled up to the front of the restaurant, and the valet opened the
passenger door for Danni. "Goodevening Mademoiselle, welcome to the
Wharf." Danni got out, holding onto the valet's hand as he rose out of
the car, and said thank you. He watched Alicia drive off, and he made
his way into the restaurant, hearing his heels click on the floor beneath

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