The first lecture

Start from the beginning

Shaking it...he decided to look up permanent make up and tattoo removal.
He hated tattoos, and now had several he had to tend to. That seemed to
be the first thing he'd have to do in order to reclaim his life. What he
found was not promising!

To start, it was costly and long. It would take lasers, and several
sessions...and there would be time inbetween each session. In essence, a
laser would be zapped over the area to break down the pigment, and the
body's immune system would then digest and expel the pigment over 6-8
weeks. So, it would take 2 months between each session before he could
have another session if one was required. Most tattoos required several
sessions, at least 4-5 for most inks, but some required 8-10 sessions!
And scarier still, some pigments never fully disappeared, only faded and
looked somewhat like a scar after such treatments.

It was also according to his research quite painful to those that did it.
The pain he could deal with he imagined, but the cost was another matter.
The cheapest session for a single tattoo was about $400. Yet, he had 3
tattoos on his body plus the make up on his face. He didn't know how
much they might charge to do his, but assumed it would be well over $1500
per session. And...if he needed the 5 sessions or more, he was already
conservatively estimating that the cost would be $7,500 at a minimum...
and likely much more than that, probably even twice as much!

Danny quickly considered his bank account. He had an extra $14,000 from
the scholarship money, but he had already spent a little over $2,000 of
that. To stay on campus, he was going to need a minimum of about $3000
for food and supplies, so that left approximately $9,000 that he could
spend if he had to. Yet, as Sarah had told him...this money was not
rightfully his. He would have to return it in order to avoid any
criminal penalties or expulsion. Besides, the nine thousand dollar
figure likely was not enough to complete the laser tattoo removal...and
even if it were, it would have left him with nothing for the Spring
semester as he still had to budget for that. (He actually only had about
six thousand dollars extra after his spending spree with the girls).

He decided to count backwards. To repay the fourteen thousand dollars
and get the laser removal, he would need about $25,000 - $30,000 or so.
He was beginning with several thousand already towards that, but he would
certainly need a job to make up the difference. He grabbed a school
newspaper, and looked at the classified ads to see what was available.

Most jobs were minimum wage jobs common with students, at about $13 per
hour. With a part-time position, at about 20 hours per would
take him about 2 years to be able to achieve that sum of money. Probably
a bit longer. That would mean 2 full years or more living as a girl.
Attending college as a girl. Going to college parties as a girl.
Working with advisors and professors with them thinking of me as a girl.
It was an overwhelming thought.

There had to be some faster way to fix this. But how?

Danny thought back to how this all began. With is sister wanting to go
to a birthday party to which he wasn't invited. To the charade he played
to be the chaperone for his brother and sister to his cousin's party.
That crazy Olga that hated me, but somehow recognized me in drag...and
befriended me and then...

Wait, Danny thought. That was it! Olga was rich, well her parents were
rich anyway. That is why she had such a lavish birthday party to begin
with. Sure, she was unhappy with me from years ago, but we made up at
the party. She was actually pretty cool and nice to me, even though I
crashed her party dressed as a woman. If she really is over all that
ugly mess from years ago, then she can help me out of this. If nothing
else, perhaps she can help tell me what happened at the party after Tom
and Claire left, and how I got these tattoos and got stuck as I am.

With that, Danny looked in his cell phone to see if he still had Olga's
phone number, he did, and he pressed the button to call her.

"Hello" Olga said, not sure of who was on the other line.

"'s me, Danny...your cousin."

"Oh...uh," she replied, seeming somewhat uncertain of what to say.

"Listen, I think I need your help. We're cool, right?"

Olga paused. She was torn at this very moment. Her cousin Danny had
caused her years of pain and humiliation. She was the black sheep of the
family, and had spent years in therapy and counselors because of what
Danny had said. Yet, here he was. He wasn't angry or upset. He wasn't
threatening or insulting. He was asking for help. She didn't know what
to say.

"Danny, I uhhh...I suppose," Olga said, reflecting back at her birthday
party, remembering the boy decked out in a dress with a spray tan and
tipsy from alcohol and such, totally not what he would have been

"Look, do you remember the party?" Danny asked. "I don't know what
happened, but something bad must have happened afterwards. Somehow, I
managed to get a tattoo."

Or several of them, Olga thought to herself. The boy always hated
tattoos and ink, believing it made women appear cheap and damaged. It
was quite amusing that night to see the artist inking out the butterfly
and permanent make up. Olga actually had a photo in her phone of it
happening, with the barely conscious Danni all smiles and glassy eyed

"What do you want Daniel?" she asked.

"I need to meet with you. I'm in a lot of trouble, but I don't know how
to get out of it. Since we made up the other night, I figure we can sort
through this together."

Olga smiled. "Sure Danielle," just barely hinting at Danny's new
feminine name. "Let's meet tonight. How's the Wharf Bar and Grille?
That's near your campus, right?"

"Yeah, its downtown...about a 20 minute walk or so," Danny said.

"Well, it's a fancy place too. So, better dress up a bit to blend in,"
she remarked. "If you think it's a 20 minute walk, better double that
just to be safe in case you're not used to doing it in heels."

"Heels?" Danny asked. " know that..."

"Danny, I saw how you were dressed at the party...and I just knew that it
was clearly a new side of you, and that the pretty girl you that you were
obviously hiding has finally come out to the world. So, please, meet me
there tonight at 6pm. I'm hoping to see you fully dressed up as I saw
you the other night. If I don't, then I'll probably turn around and go
home instead."

"But, I..." Danny tried to say.

"No buts Danni. I'll see you tonight. 6pm, girlfriend." And then, Olga
hung up the phone.

Danny looked at his phone puzzled. She knew. But how? That settled it,
he had to go tonight. He needed answers, and Olga had them. Besides,
she was also his best hope of avoiding the next 2-3 years in dresses.
But an alarm buzzed on his phone, notifying him of his next class to
attend. So, he sighed...and grabbed his notebook and left the cafeteria,
not realizing the several horny men that leered at him lustfully as he

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