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Young hope was lying in her bed, fever ridden as she talked to her father.

"But I feel worse." Hope admitted to her father.

"I know, I know." Klaus replied from where he sat on her bed, "but don't worry, because as we speak, your mother and your uncle Elijah are working with Vincent, to fix you up."

"So you just stay calm and they'll make everything alright."

Hope's eyebrows furrowed and she decided to ask, "do you know what it is? The hollow?"

Her father looked regretful when he answered, "no sweetheart, I don't."

"It wants those other kids, I can feel them"

Klaus could see the fear in her eyes as she told him, "I think it wants me too." He didn't waste a second before saying otherwise, "I am not gonna let anything take you. I promise you that. I am going to keep you safe, always and forever."

Older hope, Andrea, listened in from the other room with her vampire hearing and felt her humanity flicker for just a moment. Such a quick fluke and yet for that single second she felt so much pain and guilt, snapping her back out of it, back to no humanity, no feelings.

But for that single second, she also felt an overflowing feeling of relief and love. Not that it mattered anymore. She wasn't gonna let whatever all this is get to her. Sooner or later it would be gone anyway and she'd be back in her time. That's how things had to be, no use feeling things for no reason.


Finch sat next to Josie on a bench at the park as her Ex girlfriend was in deep thought. The two had decided they needed a break to see if they really should be together or not, but still stayed friends. "So, are you gonna tell me what your thinking so hard about? Or am I gonna have to guess."

Josie seemed to snap out of it at that and turned to face her friend, an apology on her lips, "don't apologize for thinking Jo."

Josie's mouths closed shut, slightly embarrassed. "Sor- I mean, yeah I just... can't get something off my mind."

Her eyebrows furrowed more as she begun to think through whatever was on her mind. Finch just watched as she came to a realization. The witch turned to her with a look on her face that said, "I have a bad idea that I want to do anyway, wanna help?"

Finch sighed, "what you got?"

Josie smiled, I have a plan to find hope and hopefully-" she said writing something down on some paper from her back school bag, "- get her humanity back on in the process."

Okay, now finch was really interested to see where this went.

This is not where Finch thought this would go. When Josie had first showed her the written witchcraft like words she had written down- Finch had no idea what she had been looking at to be completely honest. But, now she's in a library full of those words and still has no idea what she's looking at.

Josie on the other hand was deep into some kind of spell book that she had finally found after over an hour of looking if the books spread all over the table proved anything.

"Jo-" Josie held up her finger. Finch was unimpressed. Suddenly Josie seemed to realize and jolted her head up, "sorry it's just... I think I found it."

Finch raised an eyebrow. "What is 'it' exactly?"

She seemed to realize she never fully explained and flushed a bit. "I think I found a spell that could.. teleport me to Hopes location."

Finch just stared at her in disbelief. "So you think that teleporting to hope, who has no feeling and would kill you on sight, is a good idea?"

Josie sighed, "it wouldn't teleport me on top of her per day, just the same location, the same town I guess."

"You guess? Josie I.. I need more than a guess. This is dangerous."

Josie looked at her, "listen. I'm not jumping in without a plan. I wouldn't immediately charge her with some speech about family that won't work, not at this point. But if I can figure out where she is.. I might have a way to force her humanity back."

Finch stared at her for a while, contemplating before letting out a sigh of resignation. "..okay. Just please be careful Josie, Lizzie can't loose you too."

Josie flinched at that and nodded, "I know."

"And she won't. We're gonna get hope back and everything will be fine."

Finch looked like she didn't fully agree, skeptical, but nodded anyway for her sake.


Josie sat on the cold ground, surrounded by a circle of candles, the flames tossing back and forth with the light wind of the night. There was a backpack with things she would need if this worked for her journey on her back. She had a small vial of hopes blood from the werewolf bite cure supplies. An attachment to the wanted target of re-location one would say.

Holding the vial of blood she slowly poured it onto the crystal she had lied in front of her, watching as each small drop of the one and only tribrid's blood slowly made the crystal glow it's blue color. She spoke the incantations clearly with no interruptions, moving onto the next, and final physical step.

She grabbed the knife she had and dragged it down her arm, shallowly cutting down to her wrist. Enough to bleed but not too much. She let her blood drip onto the forest floor around the crystal in a circle, watching lines of her blood flow towards the crystal before being consumed into it, as all her blood from the ground was taken in before disappearing and the crystal began to shine brighter than ever. She continued the incantations as fast as she could not stopping for a breath.

Suddenly she felt herself being pulled, and in a seconds a flash occurred and she was pulled into the crystal, towards her designated relocation.

The past.

Word count: 1237

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Word count: 1237

a/n: hey so... I'm not dead? Like actually what is this I haven't updated since 2022 I'm so sorry. Long story short there was a lot going on in my home, CPS snatched me and I've been adjusting since then so... but I'm a lot better now, enjoy the chapter!! I promise I won't disappear again they'll be more chapters!

As far as this story goessss it's been a while since I've written so it might not be the exact same route/way of writing and all that but we're getting somewhere. I think before I focused to much on more of getting the exact scenes and dialogue and inserting future hope and it burnt me out. So instead I plan on obviously following the original plot with the added plot of time travel, but being a bit more carefree about the timelines and stuff. Like finch and Josie, I don't remember when they had a break or what all happened with them so I decided to write it like that, etc.

Anyway! Thank you to all of you who have still commented to this day it's actually crazy but it helped motivate me a lot!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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MURDER, Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now