Chapter 1

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 I didn't choose this. Moving to another country. Transferring to a new school. Leaving everything I knew behind me. Dad said that our family needed a fresh start and that it'd be good for us. Why was he allowed to make that decision on his own? It's like he wants to forget. But I don't. Why would I want to leave the only place... with memories of her? And I know I'm not the only one who feels that way.

My twin sister Kaida is walking next to me, completely zoned out, as we reach the entrance of UA High School. She's been like this for a while. Lost in thought, remembering over and over. Although we don't have the over exaggerated twin telepathy described in novels, I know what she's thinking because I'm thinking it too. And the only thing that brings her out of it...

"Kaida?" I call her name quietly. It takes her a second to register and her eyes widen when she realizes we're at the school entrance. She focuses on me.

"I'm ready." She says. But I know she's not. That's why I have to be strong for both of us. I slip my hand into hers and smile as convincingly as I can.

"Come on. Dad already spoke with principal Nezu. We should be able to get straight to homeroom." Maybe if I'm not worried, she won't be as worried. I do my best to exude confidence. Thankfully, she takes the bait.

"Can you even read this map?" She grumbles, pulling a piece of paper out of her pocket which is supposed to be a map of the school. "It looks like it was drawn by a first grader."

Our dad has been trying to be as helpful as possible with our transition from America to Japan. We attended the school with the top hero training program back home, so it wasn't hard for him to enroll us into his alma mater. And being the helpful guy he is, instead of letting me print out a map from the school website, he insisted on drawing one himself. From his memory. From twenty years ago. When he told me that last night, I immediately studied the school map online and memorized it.

I glance at the sheet which does in fact look like it was drawn by a first grader and pull her along while visualizing the legitimate map in my head.

"You've gotta practice your kanji." I say to her, attempting to sound sarcastic, but it came out as if I was badgering her. As we turn down another hall, I can feel her rolling her eyes.

"I can read kanji. Just not when it's written so sloppily." She shakes the creased paper in her hand, exasperated. "Seriously, did a cat do this?" I can't help but laugh, grateful that she didn't take my high strung tone to heart. I stop us in front of a huge door with the letters 3-A painted on the outside. I drop my hand from hers and we stare at the door for a moment.

"Ready?" I ask her quietly.

"Ready." Suddenly, I feel her eyes on me, waiting for me to open the door. I clench my fists, knowing that if I reach for the door, she'll see my hands shake. I meet her gaze.

"Open the door, dumbass." She blinks a couple times before pushing the door open.

"Ito." Hearing the homeroom teacher call our last name, I instinctively stand at attention. Usually the only person that calls us that is our Dad, and only when we're in trouble. I have to remember that it's normal here and I shouldn't seem thrown off by it next time. This class is full of extremely capable aspiring heroes. If I want to be accepted by them, I also need to seem capable.

I close the door behind us and scan the room, studying each face. I recognize them all, some more than others. I didn't just memorize the school map. I also studied up on our new classmates and their quirks. That way, I know who to watch out for, since we're going for the top spots at UA.

"Sir, if I could." My attention is drawn to a tall guy with blue hair and glasses seated to the back of the classroom, Tenya Iida. He stands up from his seat with purpose and stares at the teacher, Mr. Aizawa. I sympathize with the teacher, who seems completely exhausted by the guy's over the top energy. As soon as the teacher nods, Tenya... or I guess Iida, is standing in front of us at lightning speed. At a volume much louder than needed, he greets us. "As the class representative of class 3-A, I, Tenya Iida, would like to welcome you to UA High School."

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