"What? What?" my mom asked

"I'm sorry okay didn't want you to worry... Lyndsey, these are my parents... Rigor and Kiara Brown."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she said.

"Oh angel, look at you! You're as pretty as he said you was," my mom exclaimed.

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Oh look at her, she has manners! Did you hear that Rigor?" my mom said she was grinning from ear-to-ear. "Maybe she'll rub off on you brutes."

"Now Kiara, you've always said you like us just the way we are," my dad said. "Isn't that right, son?"

"There's always room for improvement," my mom smirked.

"How about a little help here, Nicky?" my dad asked

"You're on your own, Dad," I said and laughed. "I know better than to comment on that."

"There may be hope for you yet, Nicky," my mom said.

"Dad help" I said looking at my dad

My dad shook his head. "Can't get a word in edge-wise. With this woman talking" my dad said my mom turned and punched his arm.

"Aren't you going to introduce us Nicky?" Evie interrupted with a grin.

"No," I answered gruffly.

"Well, I guess I will introduce myself then" she said leaving my side as she step around me.

"I'm Lyndsey and I believe I saw pictures of yall," she said holding out her hand to Danny.

"I'm Danny. Don't go trying to hurt me now" Danny said then surprising her with a swift hug.

"I see he told you, I didnt hurt him" she said with a smiled.

"I'm Taryn and you have got to teach me how to do that, cause he's always beating me up" Taryn gushed almost bouncing with excitement.

"Excuse them." Evie said pushing the others out of the way. "Sometimes they forget themselves. I'm Evie and it's nice to meet you. Nicky has said great things about you. "

"Really? Like what?" she asked curiously looking at me. She was surprised with how easily my family to except her.

We finally went inside I watched as my mom fussed over Lynn all the way down the hall while I followed sheepishly behind them like a lost puppy.

"I've got so much to tell you," my mom said sitting her down. Before my mom continued she turned to find me awkwardly shifting in the doorway. "What are you still doing here? I'm sure you have things you need to be doing right about now,".

"Mom I can't just leave her here," I said as I tried to explain.

"Why not? You don't trust me to take care of her" my mom asked haughtily.

"No, that's not... "

"You think I'd let someone hurt her?" my mom asked

"No but... "

"You don't think she can handle herself?" my mom asked I shook my head. I should have known not to argue with my mom I could never win. My expression reminded Lynn of a little boy caught sneaking cookies before dinner. My mom softened looking at me with obvious affection. Patting my shoulder, "Besides you can't be with her all the time. You got to let her stand on her own feet. Now go on you'll see her soon enough."

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