Chapter 41.

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Part 41. : In need for help



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"I came down here because I was worried about you and here I find you with my wife, again," Sebastian called out as he and Jane walked down the dungeons halls, making their way towards Madeline and Enrique.

"Should ai freight surprise?" He asked sarcastically.

Madeline sighed out heavily, sending a look to her best friend, before she commented, "It is not what it looks like. He did not come back here for Jane."

Sebastian scoffed in disbelief, rolling his eyes in frustration knowing that his ex best friend was still in love with his wife's best friend and wouldn't be surprised if he came back to court for her, no matter what they had in their shared history. He saw the way Enrique was staring at Jane as it is as the same looked he gave when he gazes at his wife, with nothing but love.

"Oh, either of you can't actually believe that," Sebastian muttered, gesturing towards the English ladies as he glare hardened narrowing his darkened eyes at his ex best friend as he would do everything in his power to not allow what had happened on the past to repeat itself again as it nearly cost him everything he had. His power, his family and most importantly the woman he was so much in love with.

Enrique rolled his grey eyes in annoyance not the least bothered by his friend's tone, before taking a couple of steps forward, so he was standing directly in front of Sebastian.

"I'm back for the palace resources. It's armed men and horses, your men and horses, to seek out and destroy a threat in the woods and then I will leave. I promise," Spoke up Enrique honestly.

"What threat?" Sebastian demanded with an confused frown on his face, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at his friend, causing Enrique to let out a deep breath as he looked between the two English ladies and his best friend.

"You've seen the sacrifices in the Blood wood. These pagans endanger every men, women and child in the realm. They threatened your own wife and they do it all in service to a monster. They call it the Darkness," Informed them Enrique.

Sebastian clenched his jaw with a furious look, not believing a word his friend was saying as Madeline took his hand in hers and spoke up softly, "I know how it sounds."

Sebastian brushed off his wife words, keeping his attention on his friend as he scoffed and snapped angrily, "You sound as ignorant, as those pagans."

"A monster in the woods?" Sebastian asked Enrique in disbelief, shaking his head.

"I saw it in the shadows, myself. It took a girl, a girl I cared for. Her name was Katarina and now, she is certainly dead," Enrique stated with a saddened expression in his face at the thought of the poor girl, he was slowly falling in love with, causing a look of surprise to appear on both, Sebastian's and Jane's face.

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