Being reborn and helping the ninja

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A girl with brown hair and aqua green eyes was walking down the streets of her shops. This girl is named Y/N.

Y/N was walking and saw some children playing ball. I smile at the kids until one of the kids started to chase the ball and I saw a car heading towards the kid.

I ran towards the kid and push them away as I felt metal ran into me. Everyone was screaming as children were crying.

I felt myself losing blood. I slowly put my hand into the air as I clutched my hand then I heard a voice.

"The time has come Aura Butterfly". The voice said

I closed my eyes as my world was blacking out on me.

(In a strange place)

I felt myself in a void that was healing my wound.

I even felt my head on someone's lap and another figure was holding my hand. 

"We will watch you, my daughter". A female voice said

Then the voices faded away as my body changes from flesh to metal.

(In a mountain like area)

I woke up to feel sunlight upon my skin. I slowly got up but realized that the wound I got from the car was no longer hurting me. I looked to see where the wound but I was the wound no longer there.

I saw my arms were different, they looked like metal like a robot. I saw a river and went over to it to see what I looked like.

I got closer to the river and saw my body went through a change making me surprised a lot. My eyes became a Brown while my hair became pink.

I was looking at myself in awe until I saw a status board appear before me

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I was looking at myself in awe until I saw a status board appear before me. I began to read it.

Name: Y/N Tsurugi Gundam

Gender: Female

Species: Gundam

- Demon blood art
- Breathing styles
- Demon lizard
- Shadow monarch
- Master chef
- Pro singer
- Animal talker
- Animal kindness
- Medical Herbalist
- Master of all weapons
- Master of all fighting styles
- Aura generation
- Empathy aura sights
- Enhance senses
- Master of the elements
- Online grocery
- Unlimited storage

I was surprised of all my skills. Then I heard a groan and turned my head to see a white ninja gundam knocked out.

 Then I heard a groan and turned my head to see a white ninja gundam knocked out

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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