Y/N's Demon Blood Arts

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Ever since Y/N was reborn, Y/N bears both Demon Blood Arts and Breathing Styles from Demon Slayer. But thanks to her demon blood arts, she can heal really fast and the sun doesn't burn her like the demons in the shows and she can't get hurt in the neck.

Exploding Blood (爆 (ばっ) 血 (けつ) Bakketsu): Y/N can ignite the blood that has exited her body, turning it into crimson-pinkish flames that are harmful to demons.

Blood Bewitchment (惑 (わく) 血 (ち) Wakuchi): Y/N's Blood Demon Art revolves around drawing her own blood, and casting various support-type spells using the scent of said blood.

Blindfold (目 (め) 隱 (かく) し Mekakushi): Y/N's Blood Demon Art allows her to create paper talismans which possess the ability to mask or reveal something's presence. By placing these on certain objects of his choosing, she can get rid of their presence. Otherwise, by placing it on someone's forehead, he can enhance their vision by revealing the presence of masked objects.

Vampiric Trees: By putting many bullets into her foes, a tree grows out of her foes and sapped their energy away many them weak. The tree can become different kinds of trees. The energy that the trees drains goes to Y/N. Y/N can even use the engery that she gets to restores the wounds on her friends or restores dead plants or dead animals.

Whip Proficiency: When fighting, Y/N utilizes bladed and flexible whips as his main form of attack. However, instead of using her flesh to form a weapon, Y/N instead contorts his own body to project said whips, giving her the added advantage of manipulating its shape and controlling the trajectory of his whips at will. Initially, she contorts her arms into whips and uses it strike his targets from afar while she remains stationary. She later grew a total of 9 whips from her back to increase the number of attacks she can unleash at once

Crescent Moon Blades: Another side of Y/N's Moon Breathing. She only uses it when needed. This Blood art allows her to create and manipulate dozens of sharp blades shaped like traditional crescent moons from her katana. They are implied to be created from her blood and can be either a bright yellow or a bright blue in color. These crescent moon blades are innately chaotic, constantly changing in size, direction and speed, making Y/N's attacks extremely unpredictable and unreadable as they have no set pattern at all.

Cryokinesis: Y/N's Blood Demon Art grants her extremely powerful cryokinesis. She can generate ice and frost from her flesh and blood and can spawn it anywhere in his vicinity, as well as manipulating it at will, allowing her to unleash incredibly potent ice techniques. Additionally, the ice created from her Blood Demon Art is extremely lethal to those that inhale it, causing the cells of the victim's lungs to die and rendering them unable to breathe very quickly. Her ice and frost has also been noted to be extremely cold, as shown when the air around Y/N's frost was cold enough to make anyone goners.

Destructive Death (破 (は) 壊 (かい) 殺 (さつ) Hakai Satsu): Y/N's Blood Demon Art is centered around martial arts, combining the manipulation of destructive shockwaves and the Soryu style martial arts she mastered when she was getting used to her new body. The shockwaves Y/N manipulates are blue in color and can take on many forms, such as nigh-invisible air pressure, circular energy-like shockwaves, or cannon-shaped spikes. She is capable of generating them at will, from any distance, and seemingly from any part of her body. In combat, Y/N has her shockwaves accompany her own punches and kicks to amplify its destructive capabilities, enveloping her every strike in a faint blue light.

Electricity Generation: Y/N's Blood Demon Art allows him to generate electricity that flashes blue and red from her Khakkhara by stabbing it onto a surface, typically the ground. Herelectricity is extremely potent, instantly paralyzing targets, even if they are in mid-air, and causing them to lose consciousness in a short period of time. Her Blood Demon Art has a wide area of effect, allowing her to subdue multiple targets at once. She can also summon electricity in the form of lightning that strikes her targets from above.

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