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It's been four years of me graduating and joining DR. How was it you may ask? Well it was wonderful. The work, the people, especially the growth. Leaving an offer of an MNC and joining a startup might sound ridiculous right. Well to some people it does. It did to me to at the early stage when we were working our butt off. But I never gave up, I had a faith in myself and the people around me. We were young.

 its not like we are old now but we were more young. You catch the point, don't go to my words.

Ya so where was I, yes we were young, determined and most importantly hard working. I still remember that small room which used to be our office, those packets of maggie that used to our meal. 

Now looking at this massive building not so massive by the way I mean in India we have bigger than this but you get my point right.  I felt proud of from where we started and looking at us now and emotional remembering those memories.

I felt kind of nervous during when out of a sudden I was asked to give a speech. I mean anybody woul've. It was not planned but still I managed to remain calm and normal and gave a hearty speech. 

It's not like I am scared of crowd, I just don't like it. I don't like people, they always judge. I have always been judged my whole life for being rude, while i was not even being rude. It's just I talk less and only talk around the people I am comfortable with. Also because of my resting bit*h face. I don't fake smile.

As I was coming down after giving my speech I spotted a familiar face beside the stage.

This kutta is late again, I so wanted to kill him but then I remebered he is as sensitive as a feather, and I stopped myself after all he is my beta.


This time his reason was traffic. I sometimes think he should live in moon at least there he won't have this nonsence repetetive reason for being late.

Anyway I forgave him. 

As we were leaving for our work he got a call and I had to leave alone. This kutta huhh.

Just as I was about to leave my eyes crashed with someone and I felt him coming closer and suddenly he chuckled. 

This man.

Not a new face but the face I have been constanly seeing for 5 years almost everyday. This man is my boss Mr. Sherkhan  oops sorry not sorry I mean Mr. Abhinav Rai. Just beside his good looking face and perfect body, I hate everything about this little sh*t. It's because being a businessman is his part time job. He full time does 'nottoletishaniliveinnpeace', yes it means irritating the sh*t out of me. 

"What's so funny that you're laughing sir" I asked controlling my urge to roll the eyes.

"Well it's funny how the boss lady Miss Ishani Singh Rajput was so nervous and anxious just for a small speech"

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