How it Started

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A while ago, when I was a kid, I used to watch Paw Patrol. I don't remember those memories (Thankfully) but I was reminded of those times when I heard a sound. It came from the living room. I walked in and was traumatized by that intro that was long forgotten. I would've sung along to the straight fire coming out of my little brother's TV, if I hadn't seen that disgusting gremlin named Ryder. I don't care if he's 10. I had beef with him as a kid and I still do now. 🤬🤬🗣🗣 

That happened a couple of years ago, I don't keep track of what my brother watches, and most of the time I forget his age. As far as I'm concerned, all I need to know is, he's in elementary school, is a tablet kid that watches brain-rot youtube videos (😭), and has this weird ass obsession with cars which along with this comes the possibility that he could name every single one along with the parts that go with it (🤷🏽‍♀️).

Honestly, I forget how I got to this point but that doesn't matter. This book was made to state valid reasons to hate that freak. IDGAF if it's a cartoon character. He's still mad annoying and is most likely working with the government as a use of propaganda. This book will evaluate the main human characters including Ryder, Mayor Humdinger, and Mayor Goodway.

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