Chapter 9 And For Days It Was Persistent Ophelia

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Ophelia's mind raced with thoughts of confronting Draco, her heart torn between doubt and a desperate need for answers. The burning question lingered in her thoughts, begging to be voiced: Did he truly cast the dark and sinister Imperio Curse upon Katie Bell? Doubt crept in, whispering that it couldn't be possible. After all, Draco had been serving detention under the watchful eye of McGonagall during the time of the incident. But the weight of Ophelia's memories pressed upon her, like a forgotten relic resurfacing from the depths of her mind. She vividly recalled the necklace, a haunting artifact from her second year, and how Draco had once spoken of it with fervor, envisioning it as a perfect gift for his future wife. Yet, as the years passed, he had fallen silent on the matter.

Ophelia poured her heart out to Blaise, desperately seeking validation for her suspicions. But instead, he dismissed her claims as sheer madness, unable to fathom that Draco could ever wield the power of one of the Unforgivable Curses. His skepticism seemed to alleviate some of Ophelia's panic, yet a lingering unease persisted within her. Deep in the recesses of her mind, a nagging voice whispered that Draco was somehow involved. The puzzle pieces refused to fit neatly together. Why would he bring up the necklace, and what sinister purpose did it serve within the castle's walls? It couldn't have been intended for Harry, for he was steps behind Katie Bell. Ophelia realized, with a sudden jolt of clarity, that the answer had been right in front of her all along.

It was meant for Dumbledore...

But he had to know Dumbledore's been gone for the past two weeks. Unless he didn't...

Katie was removed to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries the following day, by which time the news that she had been cursed had spread all over the school, though the details were confused and nobody other than Ophelia, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Leanne seemed to know that Katie herself had not been the intended target.

"Dumbledore?" Blaise whispered as they headed to Herbology. "You still think Draco did it?"

"I don't know..." Ophelia breathed as they reached the greenhouse. "All I know is that I most certainly do not want to go home for Christmas."

"Why don't you stay with me?" a voice said from behind them.

"What?" Ophelia said to Harry.

"Come stay with me and the Weasleys," Harry smiled.

Ophelia glanced at Ron, who blinked at Harry with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"I don't think I'd be welcomed," Ophelia scoffed.

"I can write to Mrs. Weasley's and convince her," Harry winked. "Would you come spend Christmas with me?"

A grin formed on Ophelia's lips and she nodded.

The doors opened to the greenhouse and they filed in. Ophelia quickly pulled Pansy from Draco and Theodore and took their places around one of the gnarled Snargaluff stumps that formed this term's project.

"I don't want to sit with them," Pansy sneered.

"Too bad," Ophelia grinned and began pulling on her protective gloves. "We're starting anew."

Pansy's piercing gaze bore into Ophelia's soul, a mix of confusion and disapproval etched upon her face, causing a deep furrow to form between her brows. With an exasperated sigh, Pansy huffed, pulling on her gloves.

It had been days since their last conversation, ever since Pansy's outburst. Ophelia knew that mere apologies would not suffice; actions spoke louder than words. It was time to mend their fractured bond.

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