Just You And Me

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Hyunjun's POV

I stare at the stars and they're so beautiful... like him.. why do i always think of him, why can't i get his face out of my mind? I don't know what I'm feeling to be honest, do i... like ... him? I don't know.. why am i having these types of feelings towards him.. Am i liking this feeling I'm feeling right now?? I don't know. As i was laying in bed having these types of thoughts in head, looking all the things around me as i was bored, looking at my sleepy members, having this sad expression on my face as i was feeling no joy, yoojun is the only one who brings me joy, i want to see him today, I'll chat him right now. But i don't want to interrupt him.. no, I'm not an annoyance to him right? Yeah.. i should message him.. is he busy though? I don't want to interrupt him.. okay hyunjun get yourself together and just message him quickly..

Yoojun 🤍
- Hi

- Hello! Hows practice?? I'm sure you feel tired:(

- You know it...

- Aww:( im sorry you had to go through all that, wanna meet up?

I was about to tell him that i wanna meet up with him but i guess he was the one who said it first..

- Well.. sure lets meet up...

- Okay! Meet up at park! I'll wait, take your time :)

- Okay.. see you, bye yooj .

- Bye, See you!

I waited for my members to fall asleep and when they did, i quietly grabbed my blanket and wrapped it around me since it's cold outside and walked out of the room and left im gonna go to the park where me and yoojun are gonna meet, while i was walking to the park, i gazed at the stars again they're really beautiful.. When i arrived at the park, the park was almost empty then that's where i saw him, sitting on one of the benches. "Hi" . "Hyunjun! Hi!" "Did you wait for so long?" "Yeah but like i said you can take your time" "Oh right.. Thanks for understanding.." "You're welcome" We both sat on the bench where yoojun is sitting, we were both admiring the beautiful stars that we are seeing and yoojun can't stop talking about the moon, he said the moon's shade is his favourite gray shade and i just sat there listening to him and admiring his face, i wanted to memorize his face more ... "Hey, you keep looking at me are you even listening? Wait.. is there something on my face???" .. "Ah! Nothing.. you said that the moon's gray shade is your favourite." .. "Yup it is.. i love it so much.. I always come here and sit on the same bench and admire the beautiful moon" ... "What about you hyunjun? Why do you like stargazing? Do you find comfort in it?" .. "I do find comfort, and peace especially, i calm down when i stare at the stars.." .. "Me too, Oh my gosh! We literally have a lot in common!" .. "I guess we do have something in common.." "Hyunjun don't mind me asking this but.. why don't you just leave the agency? If you're tired of being an idol? It's ok if you don't tell me though! I don't mind.."  "No it's okay, because my members need me.. and my parents would get mad if I left, because they didn't actually want me to be an idol but i became one anyway and they would get mad if i left because they spent their money for my career.." "I understand.. why not just leave and run away?" "I don't know.. i'll think about it.." "Well don't rush okay? Take your time.." I found someone who actually understands me, unlike my parents and my members.. What did i do to deserve to have yoojun in my life.. I want to keep him... Forever.. "Yooj.." "Hm?" "We have a fan meet event tomorrow wanna come?" "Huh? I don't have money for that.." "don't worry here.."
Well i gave yoojun money, i mean i just wanna see his face so that's maybe why i gave him money.. even though that was from my savings i wasn't supposed to touch my savings but i want yoojun to go to my fanmeet tomorrow.
"Hyunjun.. where did you get this?" "From my savings" "This is yours, I can't have this.." "No it's okay, have it, please come.." I begged for yoojun to come and making this sad face. I don't know why i did that but i did anyway "okay fine i'll go, i will go only for you.." "Really? Thank you!" and i hugged him so tightly, that he couldn't literally breathe. "Hyunjun.. this is a bit too tight.. I can't breathe.." "Oh sorry.. sorry.. I'm just so excited.. Are you okay?" "I'm okay" "or are you just excited to see me?" "Maybe?" We just laughed it off and we had a great time hanging out even though we're just staring at the stars and i couldn't help but smile, since yoojun is going to the fan meet event tomorrow, i don't think i would be able to sleep out of excitement.. Maybe I'm really just excited just because yoojun is gonna come.. "Hey, hyunjun." "Hm" "Have you ever fallen in love?" I was shocked by a sudden question like this, why is he asking me this? What do i answer to his question.. "I haven't but i think i'm having this love feeling for someone." "Ohh, who is it?" He asked me so curiously, i wanted to tell him but the person i'm talking about is actually him.. so I can't tell him. I know my feelings are rushed but i don't know, I just fell for him quickly, "I can't tell its a secret" "Aw, that's sad but it's okay, you can tell me whenever you want!" I don't know how am i supposed to express my love for you, how do i show it? But suddenly I saw someone walking towards us and i was shocked to see my member sunwoo, he had followed me here.. "Sunwoo.. What are you doing here? How did you know i was here.."  "Yeah i followed you" "Why do you have to do that?" "I wanted to know where you're going! Oh! Who's this?" "Oh this is yoojun by the way, the boy i met yesterday." "Ohh, well hi" "who's this?" "This is my group member, Sunwoo." "Nice to meet you!" "nice to meet you sunwoo." Yoojun replied with a smile on his face, i love seeing him smiling it also makes me smile. "Hyunjun.. He's a pretty boy.." "I know right?" "Thank you.." The way he turned away just because he got called a pretty boy is cute. "Yooj.. why are you turning away from us? You're really pretty you know that right?" .. "Okay, that's enough compliments now..please just stop it." .. "Okay i'll stop now.." .. "By the way Yoojun, are you going to our fan meet event tomorrow? My member would love to see you" Sunwoo said while winking at me, I'm sure this boy is talking about me.. "Well yes since hyunjun begged me to go, and sometimes i couldn't resist this guy to be honest" ..  "He's irresistible" .. "I know right?"  Us three sat down on the bench and sunwoo was talking about my embarrassing moments to yoojun, which is embarrassing this is absolutely ridiculous why the fuck is he telling him this it ain't really that important the fuck.., i kept telling him to stop but he wasn't stopping. "This is ridiculous why on earth do you have to tell him every single detail?." "Of course i need to hear every single detail" "Yeah, he needs to hear how fucking clumsy you are" "Shut up sunwoo, whatever" when sunwoo was telling yoojun about those moments, i saw yoojun laugh .. i feel at ease, i don't know why maybe it's because i also feel happy when he's happy, so i just let them talk and i just gazed at the stars again, After a few hours of talking and hanging out, sunwoo decided to leave both of us alone "Hey i'll go now, hyunjun wanna go too?" "Can i stay for a while?" "Sure you can just come back before 12, it's only 8" "Sure, bye take care" "Bye!" "By the way Yoojun, See you at the event tomorrow!" "See you too!" So after sunwoo left there's silence, the wind going through my skin, it's really cold "Hey hyunjun, it's cold.. here let me fix your blanket" I stared at yoojun as he fixed my blanket around me "Ah thanks.." He looked at me staring at me, those dark brown eyes.. even dark brown eyes on a person aren't really special but yoojun is, he is the most special person ever.. But i snapped out as yoojun slightly slapped my face "Ya! You're staring at me again! Is there really something on my face?" "No.. Nothing... Sorry! Sorry.. won't happen again ..."  He giggled and laughed "What are you giggling about?" "You're cute when you're embarrassed.. when you turn away out of embarrassment i find it cute on you.. i think i like you." Like me? Wait maybe as a friend? Don't think he likes you romantically.. maybe just a friend.. "Oh really?" "Yeah i like being around you already, even though we just met yesterday.." "Me too.. i love being around you" "I'm so happy i met you." "I'm way more happy that i met you!"

What if he actually confessed to me .. no, that's not true, i can't date anyone since I'm an idol .. But should i leave the agency just for him? Should i leave everything just for him? "Hyunjun." "Yeah.. ?" "Do you like me?" "Mhm, A lot" "I'm glad you do" I'm pretty sure he's asking me this as a friend.. i'll just keep this feelings to myself and i know this feeling will last anyway. "By the way, the moon is so beautiful isn't it?" I don't know why he said that randomly but it is beautiful, just like you. "It is..."

I don't know how i liked hyunjun at the first place to be honest, we just met, how? and you know how I randomly said "the moon is so beautiful" cause what that actually meant is "I love you" Looks like this guy can't take a hint.. He doesn't know what that means..
"Just like you, yoojun.." He likes me too.. but i'm sure he meant it as a friend..so i feel like i have no chance to be with him, he's an idol, and idols can't date.. how am i gonna make this feelings towards him go away? I never knew i would have this type of feelings towards someone, and i know that this feeling is only for hyunjun, but now it's time for hyunjun to go back to his dorm, it makes me sad when he needs to leave, it's like when he's here he's bringing the colors to me but when he needs to leave.. the colors around me fades away.. "Bye yoojun i have to go now.." "Bye now.. I'm gonna miss you .." "I will miss you too, but we will see each other tomorrow don't worry.." "See you tomorrow hyunjun, I'm excited for tomorrow!" "Me too! Bye now!" I didn't say a word but waved goodbye at him, i also went home after he left, when i arrived home, i messaged hyunjun.

Hyun :D 💗

- Good night:)

- Good night yoojun .. sweet dreams :)

- You too.

Make sure to dream about me Hyunjun.. I went to bed, I'm really happy that means i get to see him tomorrow.. i feel my eyes are slowly closing while still holding my phone on my left hand still thinking about him.



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