Chapter 4: Sentimental Skies

Start from the beginning

Every. Single. Day.

For the past WEEK.

I feel... not empty.... spent? Dull? I don't know, maybe combination of three? Maybe it is.

I barely even register stuff that happens around me at this point, yet I still somehow pay attention to it all. I hate this feeling, this overwhelming unknown...

Ever since that discussion...

My mind is full of thoughts, yet I'm unable to focus on any of them. I'm lost in a storm of my own making, with no one to blame other than myself.

Except maybe for Trish. She was acting like a bitch... fuck that she was being a literal bitch and was the only one who was shouting at me.

One who is also currently the one trying to blow up my brain with her death glare.

I'm halfway there, you sour grape flavored bitch, get in line.

Suddenly, I'm snapped out of my downward spiral by a small paper ball heading towards me... this already happened so you know what would happen by now... yup, I caught it again.

This time I was holding the math book in one hand making it easier to catch the paper ball.... Why can't the world just let me read in peace? 

To be honest I don't even need to look back. The truth is I just don't WANT to. I know what this paper ball means, and it doesn't make me very lively.

But I gotta face them sooner or later....

With a sigh, I grab my things and move to the desk in which Reed and Trish are currently sitting.

Either I take courage and fly or be a coward and stay down.... Well, ever since coming here I tried staying low... but fate keeps bitching with me... Fine if fate wants me to fly I'll fly.

Even if it means doing it all over again. Then so be it.

I approach, sit down, and look at them in silence.

Trish still looks like she wants to erase me from existence. Reed has a worried expression on his face while he looks between me and Trish.

Me on the other hand don't know what thou le fuq I'm doing. At this point, I don't know how my own body works anymore.

Still, I decided to speak up.

Zenith: So? Are we going to talk or should I head back to my desk?

Trish's eyes narrow, while Reed puts on his best "cool" smile.

Reed: Heey bro. I'm gonna talk to you in a bit, gotta get a refill first.
[He shakes his flask and gets up from his desk]

I give him an unimpressed look. Good idea leave a guy holding a screw driver on an unstable demon core. Awesome, thanks for the support, what a true "bro".

I swap my focus to Trish after Reed leaves.

She's still ready to erase me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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