Chapter 2: Unfriendly Skies

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Thoughts/[Also Thoughts]

(Author's Note)



The Azure heeds an alluring call,
 Through uncharted skies, he dares to fall.
A lone star gleams above, a tempting guide,
While vexing shadows linger by his side.

Will he search beneath the star's soft glow,
Or strive for heights where only dreams may flow?

--After School--

My classes after lunch were mostly identical to those before it. Some just didn't even bother to hear my introduction or just outright ignored me but those who did gazing me outright annoy me thankfully most of them are easy to scare with just a glare. The dinos would still look at me with mix of emotions. Thankfully I didn't need to resort to my notebook again, as there no longer a certain parasaur sharing classes with me and asking personal questions.

Crisis level 3 averted I suppose.... I'm not thankful yet cause now, its straight into the fire:
The concert.

As I waited outside the auditorium with Naser, somehow my entire being was warning me not to go.... It was my first time ever being at a concert, even if this was a small, school only concert. I wasn't sure how well I could handle the atmosphere since I know stuff tends to get really loud and aggressive really quick.

And then there was Fang, Naser's sister, who would be playing in the band. Fang, The Darkstar of Volcano High, The Beacon of Darkness, the owner of a pair of dazzling amber eyes, the-

Naser: Alright, Fang says the show is starting in a bit. See?

Naser speaking all of a sudden broke my train of thoughts, and I looked at what he had shown me:

Ok. Sorry. [Naser]

Jan. 6th

Fang [Naser]

[Fang] Piss off

[Fang] Is the pizza here?

[Fang] You can have a slice.

[Fang] But after that you GTFO

[Fang] FWR

FWR? I looked back at him.

Zenith: Do I need to know what FWR stands for?

Naser: According to he- them, "fuck wing retard".

That made me give an involuntary wince.

Zenith: Is your uh... sibling, always this mean?

Naser: Fang's...

He looked like he was fighting a losing battle in his own mind.

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