Chapter 3: Azure's Uncertainty

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Thoughts/[ Also Thoughts]

(Author's Note)



Wings are meant for soaring, for boundless skies
To embrace the heavens, where freedom lies
Yet some choose to stay grounded, to never rise
Afraid to fall, they forfeit the chance to fly.

But there was once an Azure who dared to soar
Despite each fall, he yearned for something more
With each setback, his resolve only grew
To cast aside his fears and start anew.

With weary wings and a heart full of hope
He took to the skies, refusing to mope
Through every trial, he pushed on and flew
Determined to rise, his dreams in view.

So let us learn from Azure's brave flight
To embrace the unknown, to challenge the height
For even when we stumble, we'll find our way
To soar above the clouds, come what may.

(Two Days Later)

Aight turn off the alarm, get up from bed, stretch.

Breakfast, brush teeth, clothes.

Check the bag, refill candies, wallet, cellphone.

I think I can maintain this routine, it's not that difficult.

I've made it this far staying on my own. No contact with people who could use me or just straight up hate and detest me. Learning the layout of the school helped too, no longer getting lost.

And yet... I still feel like I failed somewhere. I can't pinpoint where, but I know I messed up some part of this.

Ughhh. Whatever. If things stay as they are, then everything will be fine.

Zenith: *Come on Zenith you've handle worse than this... everything's going to be fine.*
I mutter to myself

Onwards to great progress! And to a new day!


Making my way to school is just easy at this point. Only four days of school and the route to Volcano High already feels like second nature. I put one wireless earphone on my ear to listen to some sentimental violin songs on the way, help me get motivated to get back on writing poems... because recently, I just can't find the inspiration... or a reason, to write them. Not writing is giving me withdrawal worthy of an alcoholic.

I have no idea what's happening to me... it's all just strange I write so often, basically daily, and then have nothing to write about...

Mhmm, suddenly I feel like the air around me feels warmer and more....lively.... I filtered out the music for a second and heard some light footsteps heading my way... ah, from just the way they walk I already know its Nao-

Naomi: Good morning Zenith!

Yup, still got it, her Rythm of footsteps sounds is familiar so its predictable.... if you have good hearing that is.

Azure's Melody (Snoot Game x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin