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Roseanne takes a deep breath before raising her hand to knock on the door to her parents' house. I'm not sure why she's knocking. Seems more like her to just barge in and announce herself. I reach out to squeeze her shoulder as reassurance, but years of practice kick in, and I force my hand back down while internally reminding myself that I'm her boss-not her girlfriend.

Still, it's impossible to ignore that something is off with her. I just can't figure out what. She's herself, but also skittish. At least my eating a past-it protein bar made her laugh. That was worth it, even if I can't get the taste of stale oats out of my mouth.

"Rosie, baby!" Clara Park shakes her head and blinks a few times, like her eyes might be fooling her. "What are you doing here?" She recovers enough to wrap her daughter in a tight hug.

"Hi, Mom." Rosie hugs her back. Hard.

"What are you doing here?" Rob says from just behind his wife, a thread of suspicion weaving its way into his tone.

Clara turns around to smack him in the chest, one arm still looped over Rosie's shoulders. "Give your daughter a better welcome than that when she shows up to surprise us!"

Rob arches a brow at his daughter. The man is all bark, no bite. He's got a big, soft heart, but he isn't known for being warm and fuzzy. "How are you, Rosie Posie?" he asks, eyeing her carefully before stepping up to give her a gentle hug. His brown eyes are just like Rosie's.

"I'm good, Dad." There's a hitch in Rosie's voice though. One she covers by clearing her throat and adding another, "I'm good," before pulling away.

Her mom finally turns, catching sight of the rest of us who got dragged along on this expedition. "And you brought Lisa and Lucy with you!"

Clara looks happy to see me.

Rob looks confused as to why I'm here.

To be fair, I am too. Maybe it was the way Lucy stared at her chipped nails when she announced, "I think Rosie is having a mental breakdown. Also, I'm gonna go to her parents' house with her. See you later."

I wasn't about to let her have a mental breakdown alone. Roseanne glances over her shoulder at me, cheeks pinking slightly before she turns back. "Yeah. I meant to just bring Lucy, but Lisa invited herself." She brushes her hands down the front of her jeans like she's wiping dust off her hands. "So here we are!"

"Well, come in. Come in. Let's have some tea." Clara hits me with a wink. "Or a beer? I seem to remember you and Felix getting into those when you were younger."

Rob regards me carefully. He's not quite scowling, but there's nothing welcoming about his expression either. I suspect his spidey senses are tingling too-like he knows there's something not quite right about his fiercely independent, by-the-book daughter showing up out of the blue.

"Tea is great."

Clara smiles and slings an arm over Roseanne, pressing her daughter tight against her side. "Perfect. Tea is Rosie Posie's favorite."

I bite the inside of my cheek as we move indoors. I guess Mrs. Park hasn't seen her daughter sling back a gin and tonic like there's about to be a worldwide shortage the way I have.

We follow Rob into the living room, and I can't help but notice Lucy taking in her surroundings. The Parks' new home resembles a large concrete box, modern from top to bottom. Except their furniture.

They relocated their old farmhouse pieces straight into their new place. You'd think it would clash with the modern stainless-steel appliances and slate-gray walls, yet there's a certain eclectic charm to the place. I don't think it's intentional, but it's there all the same.

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