More than wrong

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HI I'm back again 😭

Sorry if there's mistakes, i hope this isn't too

There's a long silent ride to somewhere Winter doesn't have a clue to.

All she knew was Karina driving her bike so fast, to the point winter has to grasp on super tight.

"Where are we going?"

"Just hang tight," Karina informed the girl, not saying much as she sped down the empty streets somewhere.

As time goes Winter tries to put clues together since Karina wouldn't tell her and moments passed when she realized that Karina was heading towards the hospital.

"Karina, why are we here?" Winter asked as she's getting dragged into the building.

In the hospital was Chaewon scratching her cuticles off, Shuhua staring into the air with what seemed to be heavy thoughts, and Miyeon grabbing ahold of Shuhua's arm for some type of comfort.

Ryujin was seen at the front desk chatting about something.

The two girls arrive in the waiting room to see all of them looking at her and the other two that came along.

"Karina, Win, thank god you're here-" Chaewon exhales.

"Where's Aeri?"

"With the doctors, they said she's resting right now but she needs time alone."

That added more worry to Karina's mind, making her even more scared of what might happen to Aeri.

All she hoped was that everything will go well and there won't be a problem. It's all she could hope for.

"Where's Kazuha?"

The girl was waiting for Aeri near the operation room, her leg tapping with anxious thoughts in her mind.

Her heart still hasn't calmed after what she went through a couple hours ago.

it only makes her traumatized the more she thought of it. She tries taking a breath in, drying the sweat building on her forehead.

3 hours ago

After the gym, Kazuha decided to walk Chaewon back to her dorm room since the sun was setting and weird things happen around campus at this time.

"Thanks for walking me back Zuha" Chaewon smiled.

"Cmon, I always do this for you-"

Chaewon rolled her eyes with a grin. "And I can't thank you for it?"

"Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow morning for class!" She pushes Chaewon into the room, and waves goodbye.

She walks to her room she shares with Aeri, which was a few doors down from Chaewon and it's quiet like usual.

It's always her alone anyways, Aeri never gets home until late at night so it's nothing to expect.

But opening the door to her dorm room, she's met by Aeri lying on the ground.

The bitter feeling in Kazuha's tongue was there and she couldn't help but panic.

She's panting in fear, her entire body trembling and it couldn't stop. Each time she looks at Aeri lying in front of her it only scares her even more.

She kneels beside Aeri to check if the girl was breathing and even if her pulses were there, there's no point in waking her up.

She's unconscious, cold, sick and pale.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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