Chapter 3

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Wendell and Comet followed Giles out of the carriage, beginning the journey into the Snow White Memorial Prison. As they got closer, Comet couldn't help but feel a chill run down her spine.

"Is this going to be a quick trip? Because I don't like being here. I'm on edge and can't help but feel like something terrible is going to take place," Comet said.

"If you want, you can wait for me here. I know you aren't exactly fond of my stepmother; all because she made you feel like you are a pet or something that could be used to help her with a wicked scheme," Wendell said, before walking inside, to see everyone asleep.

Comet looked around before responding to Wendell. "It's not that. I don't like how she comes off as the most arrogant person ever. She acts as though the kingdom owes her everything just for existing."

"She only acted that way because she married my father and became queen the moment that my mother was laid to rest. If my mother hadn't fallen ill and died, then my stepmother wouldn't have married my father and become queen herself," Wendell said.

"Don't beat yourself up over something you didn't have control over. You were young when it happened. Even if you knew, you would have had to convince your father. Do you think he would have believed you had said anything to him about the queen poisoning your birth mother," Comet asked.

"You're right. My father would have most likely believed that I was making up stories just to get him to leave my stepmother," Wendell said. "You are free to wait here. I'm gonna go and take care of business."

Comet watched as Wendell left and made his way to the queen's cell. Comet didn't feel right standing among all of the sleeping people. She kneeled down and noticed some pink powder on them. Is this what is responsible for all of the guards being knocked out on the job? If I remember the stories my father used to tell me, this is the work of troll dust. That means Wendell is in trouble, Comet thought to herself before running down the hall, looking to find any clue as to which way to go to get to Prince Wendell and his advisor Giles.

"Oh full moons, why didn't I go with them when I had the chance? It would be a lot easier to find them. I can't follow their scent either, because it's mixed with all of the prisoners housed here," Comet said to herself unaware that someone heard her.

"Who said that? Whose there," a male voice spoke before a face popped up in the small window of the door, looking out at her. "Oh my. Huff puff aren't you a delectable sight. Your beauty is something that will always be forever etched in my mind. Tell me fair maiden, what do they call you?"

Comet gave a stern look. "I don't owe you my name. You are like all the other prisoners here. You would flirt with any woman who crosses your path, and you would use your charm to get what you want. I won't fall for that."

"Huff puff you are a tough little thing," the man said before sniffing the air, getting excited at the scent that reached his nostrils. "Huff puff, you're a wolf too! I never thought I would run into another wolf. What are you doing in this kingdom? I thought all the wolves only lived in the second kingdom."

"I was born here. And you don't look like a wolf. You don't fully smell like a wolf either," Comet said while sniffing the air.

"Well, my mother was human, and my father was a wolf. They got together and here I am. I'm Wolf. Now will you tell me who you are," Wolf asked.

Comet took a step closer. "I don't reveal my name to those who don't earn my trust."

"Oh, playing hard to get. I like that. Let me out and we can be better acquainted with one another," Wolf said.

Comet was about to respond, when suddenly a golden retriever ran by telling her to run and that it was a trap.

Comet quickly shifted into her wolf form, before running behind Prince Wendell, following him down the basement through the mirror, where both Wendell and Comet ended up in a strange world.

Comet looked around at all of the lights in amazement. What in the world is this place, Comet thought to Prince Wendell.

I don't know. It could be another kingdom that we never knew existed. A tenth kingdom, Wendell thought back.

Right. We can't stay here, because the queen may have some of her minions coming to bring us back to her, Comet thought to Wendell.

As long as you weren't spotted, then we're fine, Wendell thought back.

That's the thing; there was a prisoner at the prison, who was part wolf. If he gets out, he may come looking for me, Comet thought.

Hopefully he stays locked away. Should he get out, he might look for you and use you against me to catch me, Prince Wendell thought back before he and Comet made their way away from the portal.

The evil queen was walking past the cells, when she was stopped by someone calling out gaining her attention.

The evil queen turned her attention to the cell. "What can I do for you? Can't you see that I'm a bit busy looking for my lost golden retriever, who ran away?"

"I seen him run away. I saw him run away with a girl who transformed into a wolf," The man said.

"So, my stepson brought his little wolf friend along with him. I will have to capture her too," The evil queen said.

"I can help you look for both of them. I can track her scent down and follow it. Chances are he will be alongside her," the man said.

"How can you track them, when you are only a human," the queen asked before the man's eyes flashed yellow. "You're part wolf. If I let you out, do you swear your loyalty to me; and promise to bring them both back to me," The evil queen asked.

"I will bring the prince back to you," the man said.

"Fine. What is your name," the evil queen asked.

"Wolf," Wolf said as the evil queen released him. "Find Prince Wendell and the girl and bring them back to me."

"I will bring the prince back to you. But I'm keeping the girl for myself," Wolf said.

The evil queen thought about what Wolf said before responding. "Fine. Bring the prince back to me, and you can have the girl to do as you wish with her." The evil queen unlocked the door, allowing Wolf to walk out of the cell.

Wolf stepped out, happy to be released from his cell. "Thank you. I promise I won't disappoint you."

"I hope you don't. Because if you do, I will put you back in that cell and leave you to rot in there for the rest of your life," the evil queen said.

"Right," Wolf said before running off, following the scent of the young she wolf that was leading away from his cell. Ready or not my sweet. I'm coming for you. Once I have you, I'm not letting you out of my sight, Wolf thought to himself as he followed the scent all the way to the basement, where the trial stops at a mirror. Wolf looked at the mirror in confusion, before deciding to go through the mirror.

Once he made it to the other side, Wolf was amazed by the sight in front of him.

"Wow. This kingdom is huge. Where in the world would I begin to look for the prince and my cute little wolfie girl? Unless I pose as a worried owner, who lost his pet dog and is looking for him. Where the prince is my sweet wolfie girl will be along with him," Wolf said to himself.

Once I get you my sweet, I have no intention of letting you go. You are going to be the mother of my pups, Wolf thought to himself.

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