11 | Lord Evercrest

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This is what Lord Kiernan had wanted. An audience with Lord Evercrest. So why were they not immediately going with him? This was it! This was the chance to talk to him, to strike a bargain to save her father. Why were they not going?

"I appreciate your enthusiasm," Lord Kiernan was saying, and Ilaria had to refocus on him. "However, we are not wild animals to be studied. My partner wanted to dance, so I believe that is where we'll go now."

Her eyes flicked back to Evercrest in time to see the skin around his eyes tighten. What was Kiernan doing? Why weren't they going with him?

Kiernan tipped back his drink and polished it off, hissing as he set the empty glass down on a nearby waiter's platter. "Come along, love."

She quickly set hers down, mourning the loss of her drink, before being swept toward the dance floor. Ilaria squeaked as Kiernan claimed their places in the dance that was just starting, pulling her in tightly to his body.

"I don't understand," she whispered, looking over her shoulder toward Evercrest. "Why are we not going with him?"

Her swirling thoughts puttered to a stop as Kiernan's fingertips slid down the length of her arm until capturing her hand within his. Ilaria's attention snapped back to him, trying to form a proper sentence but unable to. His lowered eyelashes fluttered, and all she could do was watch as he gently guided her other hand to rest on his shoulder.

"Don't look at him." It wasn't a request. It was an order. "Remember, we are supposed to be madly in love. You wanted to dance earlier, so now we're dancing. Don't worry about him. He'll be more interested because of this. Trust me."

Trust him. These were proud words from a man who had shown her very little kindness in the past weeks. He knew Evercrest better than she did, so what choice did she have? Taking in a deep breath, she rested her head against his shoulder and let the soft whining of the violin lead her to a different place.

They glided across the dance floor. She felt like she was floating, falling through space eternally, safe in the arms of a devil. Let her forget about the watching eyes, her mother's happiness that hung upon her success, and even the lustful eyes of Evercrest she felt watching them. It was just her and Kiernan. She turned her face into him, breathing in the citrusy scent that seemed to be a part of him. It was laced with cinnamon, something she couldn't get out of her mind.

His chin rested on the top of her head. "You dance beautifully."

"Thank you."

"Who taught you?"

"My mother." That had been a long time ago.

"She must have been a wonderful teacher."

"She was."

"My mother left us when I was young."

It was a quiet, gentle reveal. Ilaria stared over his shoulder, watching the shadows dance along the walls. The memory of his mother flashed through her mind—a kind-faced woman. "I'm sorry. No one deserves that."

Kiernan grunted, adjusting his head until his cheek rested on her head. "I suppose not."

"What of your father?"

"Died five years ago."

Ilaria pursed her lips. "I'm sorry."

"Wasn't your fault. No need to apologize."

"No, but...I understand what it's like to lose a parent."

He hummed. "I suppose you do."

Shadows formed silhouettes on the wall. Ilaria squinted, watching those same sparks flash through them, but Kiernan turned them around before she could really get a good look.

"He's watching us," Kiernan whispered in her ear. "I think it's time we leave the dance floor. Are you ready?"

"No." She breathed out a laugh, tightening her grasp on him. "He creeps me out."

"Remember who you're doing this for, and you'll be fine." Kiernan gently pushed her away. Kind eyes smiled at her through the mask.

Straightening her shoulders, she smiled in return and followed him off the dance floor. They weaved their way through the crowd, skirting just out of Evercrest's reach. She snatched a drink on their way, downing a good portion of it for courage.

"Lord Kiernan. Lady Ilaria."

They stopped abruptly. Kiernan turned, putting himself between Evercrest and Ilaria. She held onto his hand, squeezing it.

"I insist," the large man said, thumbs shoved into his braided belt. "We must have a conversation. I am fascinated by your dynamic. Please. Let us adjourn to my study to have a proper conversation."

Kiernan glanced down at Ilaria, pretending to consider the offer. "Well, if you insist, I suppose we must. We mustn't take too long, though, as my lady love is excited to attend the rest of your party."

Those evil beady eyes swept over her once more. "We won't take very long. I promise. Follow me."

Squeezing her hand, Kiernan fell into step behind him. Ilaria hurried to keep up, her heart pounding in her chest. This was it. This was the moment she had been waiting for—sealing the deal, getting her father, and going home.

Through double doors, up a dark winding staircase, and to another pair of double doors. Lord Evercrest didn't say a single word the entire time, huffing and puffing as he went. How he managed to get up the stairs was beyond her. He had groaned and grumbled with every step.

Finally, he swung open the doors and stepped into a dark room alight by a fire. "Welcome to my study. Sit, sit. Let me pour you drinks, and we shall discuss."

The unnerving feeling she was being watched pricked upon her back, but she ignored it. Together, she and Kiernan took a seat on a sofa. Play the part. She leaned against his arm, holding on tightly as she watched Lord Evercrest lumber across the room to a small drink stand. He poured three glasses of brandy, then returned.

Placing their drinks before them, he sank down into his own chair. Peeling off his mask, he set it aside and smiled. "So, soulmates, tell me your story."


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