"You're too impolite to the new kids," Nate scolded instead of responding to his barb, shaking his head disapprovingly, "They've got enough to worry about without your testy remarks."

"Nah, this is just some preparation for school," Silvio explained, tugging him closer and tussling his already wild hair affectionately. Liam stood back and watched the exchange, deciding that Silvio wasn't a threat,

"Did he run away? Lucian?"

"Nope," Silvio replied seriously, "Went unicorn hunting. He'll be back by tonight."

"Yes, he ran away," Nate spoke over him, breaking free from the dark-haired boy's grasp, "but he probably will be back by tonight, knowing his track record."

"So, he's tried this before?" Liam pressed, eager to know everyone's habits.

"Every month or so," Nate guessed, fixing his hair as he glowered at Silvio, who was living in ignorant bliss, dark eyes staring out the window,

"Cops'll find him eventually," he said absently, and Liam was fascinated by their lack of concern.

"Oi, can you all shut up?" Asher asked groggily from his bunk, rolling over to glare at each of them, "A guy's gotta sleep, y'know."

"Aw, poor thing," Nate sympathized, sticking out his bottom lip momentarily before barking a laugh, "No chance, man. You need to get up anyway."

"It's five-thirty!" Asher exclaimed, looking over at the clock "I still got half an hour to sleep, and if you don't let me, I'm throwing hands with one of ya."

"Nice threat," Silvio commended, opening a drawer of one of the dressers and taking out a gray t-shirt, slipping it over his head, "but I'm pretty sure even Chunky Chuck could beat you in a fight." Asher sat up in his bed and blinked a couple of times, clearly unimpressed,

"It's too early for this. Don't test me."

"He gets a lil' grumpy in the mornings," Nate whispered with a smile, "it's best not to talk to him until after breakfast."

"I hear every word you're saying, and I don't appreciate it," Asher grumbled, standing up and opening a drawer from the other dresser, "Plus I have to listen to you two farting all night, I have good reason to be upset." Silvio rolled his eyes before shamelessly changing into a pair of sweatpants,

"Way to be mature, Ash."

"Well, it's true."

Liam found himself smiling at their gracelessness, "I expected everyone here to be ruthless bullies, you keep surprising me."

"Oh, stop being such a flatter," Nate joked, waving him away, "Deep down we all do suck, you just haven't seen it yet."

"Speak for yourself," Asher ordered, frowning, "I'm a beacon of joy."

"Yeah, when you're not bellyaching about your sorry life, you're a real saint," Silvio observed, stepping aside so Nate could get into the dresser, offering him a half-smile that went unnoticed. He caught Liam's gaze and nodded for the door,

"Peter's here, I heard him shuffling around down there. Let's get you introduced." Liam nodded, but was still a bit distrustful of the older boy, keeping his distance as Silvio led him down the stairs.

"Up so early?" A man who looked about thirty asked Silvio, glancing up from a newspaper, and setting aside a pair of glasses. Silvio shrugged and stepped aside so Liam could properly look at the man. He had slicked back brown hair, enhancing his receding hairline in a way that made his face look like it was three-parts forehead, "Oh! You're Liam then?" he stood up from his spot on the couch and extended a hand to him.

"Yes, sir," he responded, stretching over to shake it. The man shook his head with a chuckle,

"Please, none of that 'sir' nonsense, okay? My name's Peter, it's only right that you call me it."

"Alright," Liam nodded, liking this guy's attitude more than Kelly's.

"Hey, is Lucian down here?" Silvio asked, playing dumb, as he looked around the living room before sitting on the couch. Liam watched him in surprise, and Peter shook his head, eyebrows knitted together,

"No, I haven't seen him since yesterday."

"Huh, that's weird," Silvio stated, continuing his act rather impressively, "His bed was empty when I woke up. Not in the bathroom either." Peter opened his mouth to reply, but Nate's loud footsteps sounded from the stairs, catching his attention,

"Mornin', Pete."

"Hello, Nathaniel," he returned cooly, "you haven't seen Lucian up there, have you?" Nate's striking gaze widened and shot over to Silvio, who shrugged obliviously.

"No, I haven't seen him, we got ready in the dark," Nate said hesitantly, lying as well.

"Did you see him last night?" Peter pressed, sliding past him to the stairway.

"You know what? Come to think of it, I haven't," Nate exclaimed, as though it was all news to him, and Liam wondered what their game was. Peter grumbled something and marched up the stairs, and Nate's fake surprise melted instantly, "Told him already?"

"Hey, last time, he found out right before breakfast, and we didn't eat. I'm not risking that to happen again."

"Yeah, yeah," Nate muttered plopping down on the couch beside him, smiling a bit too brightly, considering the circumstances, "Always about food with you." Silvio laughed heartily, snapping Nate's nose in retaliation,

"Not true. You know how Asher gets when he's hungry, I'm just sparing us all from that fit of rage."

"Right here," Asher huffed, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he stumbled down the stairs. Liam smiled again, figuring out that Asher must be the butt of most jokes in this place.

His amusement didn't last as he heard a scream from above them.

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