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"Appa!" Hana called out to the man standing in the doorway. She ran up to the taller man, grinning from ear to ear. The man had a stern look on his face. The girl sensed the tension, immediately dropping her smile. "Get your stuff. We're going home."

Items were thrown around the house. A broken vase laid on the floor, fragments scattered all over the room. Haeun's eyes met with the girl standing in the doorway. "Let's go." Haeun grabbed the girl's hand, pulling her to another room. Tear streaks were noticeable on Haeun's cheeks.

"Haeun, what's going on?" The younger girl asked, frightened. "Appa is no longer going to live with us."

"What? What do you mean?" Hana's dad was her biggest role model, he was the one who introduced her to boxing. Haeun shook her head, beginning to sob. Hana couldn't stand it. She ran out of the room to her dad.

"Appa what-" Her words were cut off seeing two other figures standing in front of her. "Hana. This is your new mom and sister." Her dad gestured to the lady and an older girl by her side. "Hana come to mommy." The lady reached out to Hana.

"No! Where's my mom?" Hana frantically looked around, trying to find her mom. Her mom sat in the corner, against the call. Exhausted from crying. Her hand was covered in blood from the broken fragments.

"You ungrateful brat. Go to your poor mom then." The lady spoke coldly after Hana rejected her. Hana's dad stood there silently watching the lady berate her. "Your dad doesn't want you anymore. I'm his daughter now." The older girl smirked at Hana.

"Appa." Hana turned to her father. She wanted answers. "I can't do this anymore. I don't love your mother anymore. I'm leaving." The man spoke with no emotions in his eyes. "Appa. Please don't go."

"What is that she has that we don't give you?" Hana asked, starting to realize the situation. "Money." Hana's family was lower class even before she was born. Her mom got pregnant with her sister at the age of 19. Her dad's family despised her mom. They hated her for being poor.

Hana's face turned cold hearing the reason behind her dad's actions. "I don't need a wife and daughter like you. Useless."

"Appa, please, no." Hana begged seeing her family fall apart. "No. I'm leaving." Her dad turned away with the lady by his side, her daughter holding his hand. The door shut, letting silence fill the room.


"Is that why you left the academy?" Jeno asked, wiping his own tears. Hana nodded, wiping her own. The male never knew why she had disappeared and came back completely different from the younger Hana. Jeno pulled the smaller girl into his embrace, hugging her tight.

Hana sobbed into his shoulder, releasing all of her worries for the past 7 years. Hana was a young girl, barely turning 19 in a few months. She had to replace the role of her father to earn money for the family ever since she was 12. She worked 2 to 3 jobs everyday making as much money as possible. Her sister was no different. Haeun had quit college to find a job overseas. There she found her current husband. The pair didn't even get to have an actual wedding due to their financial situation. Her husband went back to law school while Haeun worked for the both of them. Her husband eventually became a successful lawyer. Her husband was the one sending Hana and her mom money every month.

Hana's father eventually moved to Vietnam leaving his own country. Hana hasn't had contact with him ever since he left and she would like for it to stay that way. Hana dreaded the idea of running into him here, the chances were slim but never zero.

The girl had to endure so much. Jeno always hated the way she kept to herself. She was always alone, it made Jeno think she thought she was better than everyone else. In reality, Hana was afraid everyone would judge her. Her family's event took the entire city by storm. Everyone knew it as the dad who had an affair for money. The team would discuss it for weeks, but they didn't know it was her family.

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