10 | Dancing with Wolves

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"I believe he's been waiting for you." Emilie chuckled and gave her a small push forward. "I would say you're crazy if you don't take this opportunity to ensure your father's release."

Emilie was right. This may be her only chance to truly hold up her end of the bargain. If Kiernan needed Lord Evercrest to believe in their love, then Ilaria would do anything to prove it if that was what was actually needed.

Stepping through the crowd, she kept her eyes on Kiernan. He didn't move, merely watched her as she approached. Her heart pounded in her chest, alive with something unidentifiable. Her fingertips itched with the need to touch, but she was unsure if that was a good idea. She wasn't sold on the whole soulmates thing, but there was no denying touching Kiernan created weird reactions.

Lord Kiernan bowed his head once she was close, finally breaking eye contact with her.

She found herself missing it.

"Lady Ilaria." It had been so long since they had talked, she had forgotten the tiny nuances of his voice.

Some strange part of her never wanted him to stop talking.

"Lord Kiernan." She curtsied, bowing her head low. "How did you know it was me?"

He offered her his hand, and it took her a moment to realize they were gloved—gloves to keep her from sharing his memories. So he didn't want to touch her—not that she wanted to touch him. That seemed like a bad idea. Still, her fingertips tingled as she accepted the hand.

Kiernan began to move, strolling through the crowd with his head held high. "A soulmate always knows."

"There you go again with the soulmates." She shook her head.

A bitter laugh fell from his lips. "You're merely in denial. I cannot see how even after all you have experienced. I will have to show you the books upon our return to the Spire."

Books? That piqued her interest. "What books?"

"History books, of course. I have hundreds of them referring back to soulmates, their earliest documentations, and many other studies into them."

"You're lying."

Dark eyes flicked down. "I will just have to prove you wrong."

Okay, maybe she didn't actually like his eyes being on her. "So tell me. What part must I play tonight? Enraptured fiancé? Lovesick puppy? What are we doing here, Lord Kiernan?"

His mouth tightened. "All of the above, unfortunately. Lord Evercrest is a madman for mythology and folklore. He's heard mention of soulmates before, and while I had no intention of anyone finding out, I believe this could play well in both our favors. He has connections to judges who could easily release your father. If we play our cards right, I believe he will do anything we ask of him."

"Then I will do anything I must."

Lord Kiernan blew out a sharp breath. "Very well. I must warn you that it will be uncomfortable for both of us."

She shot him a glance. "Any pain is bearable with my father's freedom at risk."

"As you say, my lady."

He guided her through the crowd, acknowledging passersby with a nod or a soft greeting. She followed his lead, allowing herself to cling to his arm. It was for the visual effect. That was all this was. She was playing a part to save her father. Her fingers slid over the sleeve of his jacket. Leaning her head on his arm, she intertwined their fingers, letting her fingertips rub circles on the leather glove.

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