Chapter 5

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??? : "Just a maid passing by"
Zuikaku : "A maid? What kind of joke is this?!"

Eugen : "She's dead serious. Royal navy, second ship in the Edinburg class of light cruisers--Belfast.
She might look like a joke, but she's still a legendary warrior.
Don't underestimate her"

Belfast : "A pleasure to meet you Again, Prinz Eugen of Iron Blood. I must say, it is an unexpected pleasure to meet you here"

Eugen : "Indeed, perhaps it's not a bad idea to settle some old grudges out here, far away from Iron Blood and Royal Navy"

Belfast : "I have no objections on your proposal, but..."

All the shipgirls look at their right side and saw the Royal Navy main fleet coming towards them.

Shoukaku : "That's..."

Güldland : "ah... So they're already here"

Belfast : "I just remind you that we would be responding with all of our might"

Enterprise : "The Royal Navy main fleet..."

Belfast : "So, have you made your decision?"

Güldland : "there's 3 Battleship on their fleet... We should retreat for now"

Eugen : "guess we don't have a choice. We should retreat while we can"

And with that the entire fleet of 5th Carrier Division with Iron Blood retreat.

Eugen : "See you Again, Azur lane"

But before Güldland retreat too she decide to give the fleet something.

Güldland : "ah before I leave, here have a gift for you all~"

Güldland then send out 5 of her torpedos boat to attack the fleet.

Enterprise : "what the?!"

Without any word Belfast immediately fires her canon to sink out the boat.
But unfortunately the boats is too fast and none of her blow get a hit.

The boats launch all of their torpedos.

The fleet notices this and decide to Dodge it.
Some of it successfully Dodge it but sadly 2 battleship failed to Dodge the torpedos.

'Battleship Queen Elizabeth'

QE : "Warspite! Hood! You two okay?!"

Warspite : "i'm good, my queen, it's just scratched my ship a bit"

Hood : "Same here, nothing significant of it"

QE relief hearing that.

Belfast : "I'm sorry I should've shot it more early"

QE : "It's okay Belfast, we didn't expect any of it, so don't worry"

Belfast : "if you say so... My Queen"
At ???

Eugen : "that boat of you, you really are bold with that, don't you?"

Güldland : "huh? Oh well I mean it's no fun that we just retreat without do any damage for them, so... Yeah"

Eugen : "you really are something"

Güldland : "why thank you"

It just silence after that conversation until Güldland ask something.

Güldland : "so... Where we going now?"

Eugen : "Sakura Empire base of course, you forgot?"

Güldland : "hmm maybe~"

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