Chapter 2

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The thing is, I do much better when I'm surrounded by friends because it keeps my mind occupied. It's when I'm left alone that I am at risk of having a breakdown. My biggest worry is what people think and say about me, even though I know that I can't change the way they portray me in their own minds. I envy those with normal brains and hate that I was dealt with a faulty one. As I hung out with Taylor more, it has become clear that she has also been given a faulty one too which was reassuring. It's refreshing to find someone who also has breakdowns and bad thoughts encompass them.

Speaking of Taylor, she was coming by today to hang out by the pool and recharge. We've been hanging out a lot since her nails and each time, I've managed to gather some information about her brother.

Here is a quick synopsis of what I've gotten so far from her:

His name is Finn Mira

He is 26, soon to be 27 (his birthday is TBD)

He hasn't made any new friends here yet, but he still talks to his friends from home almost daily

He is really into music

He doesn't have a job yet, but he is actively looking

I don't want to pry with Taylor too much about him because that wouldn't be fair to her. I don't want her to think that I am using her to get to him or that I'm only friends with her as a ploy. That, of course, doesn't stop me from fantasizing about him every chance I get. I mean, for instance, it has become a nightly ritual to imagine a fake scenario where we are madly in love before I fall asleep at night.

Taylor and I followed each other on Instagram the night of her nail appointment and, in true Cathy fashion, I couldn't help but do a deep dive into Finn Mira.I had been determined to find out who he was, outside of what his sister was telling me.

There was one hiccup that posed an issue for me: he did not have any social media besides Snapchat and that was off limits, especially since I've never even met him yet. Wouldn't it be nice though? To be able to open up his stories to see the real Finn? The way his friends and families do? To see what food he was snacking on? To see what movie he was watching? The see if he was hanging out with his girlf---

My thoughts were interrupted as I got a call from Taylor. Weird, we're both not the calling type.

"Hello?" I hope she wasn't canceling.

"Hiya, what's up?" Her voice was lower than normal. Was she whispering?

"Not much, just getting some things together. What's up with you?"

"I was actually calling to ask you a question, or really a favor."

"Sure. What is it?"

"I know that this a really weird request, especially since we planned on it only being us, but I was wondering if I would be able to bring Finn along? For one, he's my lift, and two, I feel really guilty that I've been out a lot and have made mates when he hasn't. Normally I would never ask but he's been a bit down and I remember feeling like that back in Cheshire and he would bring me out with him. I totally understand if you say no, I just figured---" I cut her off.

"Don't be silly, of course you can! Does he mind hanging out with two girls who will probably talk until his ears bleed?"

"Well that would just be payback then, wouldn't it? Something tells me he won't mind too much." What did she mean by that? "Right, anyway, we'll be there soon. I'm sorry again for the last minute addition. We'll see you in a bit!"

"Bye!" My heart was about to beat out of my chest. Finn was about to be in my house, probably shirtless, and soaking wet.

Well, that makes two of us.

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