Chapter 1

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Let me set the record straight: I am not a quitter. Instead, I have a crippling fear of failure, which sometimes leads to putting things off and procrastinating until I feel better about it. But that's not really my fault. I think I fear failure because I don't want to disappoint anyone or let anyone down. Everyone has always had such high hopes for me, so it really is on them. I'm so tired of people telling me to---

"Cathy, it's time to take your test before you forget all of the material." He had a point.

"I will." And I would.

"You graduated almost two years ago. I'm just saying, I didn't pay all of that money for you to not even take the test. You can start at the top right now with all of the demand."

"I promise I will. I'm studying as we speak." Well, sort of. I studied when I was focused, which wasn't as often as one would hope.

I feel bad because he's right, if not for me, my dad deserves for me to finally get my ass in gear. My dad is one of the most selfless people that I know. He paid for mine and my sister's degrees. Of course, mine cost him more because I went away to Pennsylvania and I got my Master's as an extra bonus, so I really do owe it to him to take my test and make it all worth it.

I'll build up the courage to take it soon.

Really soon.

Within the month.

Well, this month is pretty busy so by the end of summer.

But I do want to enjoy these next few months, so let's just leave it where I promise that I'll definitely take it one day.

That issue has to take the back burner for now because I have bigger fish to fry at the moment: I'm doing a stranger's nails in a few minutes. I guess you're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about, so let me explain. I do nails for fun because I love doing them and it keeps me busy. I began this hobby in college but I was so bad at it that it was embarrassing, so I stopped until I decided to practice on my friends and family. Now, it has gotten to the point where others are inquiring about me giving them manicures because they like my work. I can't help but gush when people tell me how much they love their nails and that they enjoy coming to me.

I only have two issues with my makeshift entrepreneur business:

I'm not licensed

I have anxiety, especially about meeting new people

The issue when I do nails for people that I don't know, is that I'm not sure how each person will hold a conversation and keep it going when, and if, things get awkward. Usually, the appointment ends fine and I actually end up making a new friend from the experience but I still always get the pre-appointment jitters. Another factor in my anxiety is that I do nails in my basement, which means there are other variables to consider that include, but are not limited to: the television not working, the temperature is too hot or too cold, family arguing upstairs, etc.

Taylor, the girl who is on her way, is my cousin Bella's friend that she met at work.

According to Bella, here is what I know about Taylor thus far:

She is my age (24, for those of you that are unaware)

She just moved to New Jersey last week with her dad and brother

She previously lived in England (I want to say Cheshire, but I may just have Harry Styles on the brain)

She is shy but outgoing, just like me

Bella mentioned that Taylor reminds her a lot of me, which can either be really good or really bad. Just as I started playing out how terribly this appointment can go, I got a text.

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