Reliving it again

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Everything was going well during the race until me and max made contact. While trying to avoid crashing in the barriers all I could think of was Dani. I promised her to be careful and here I am colliding with the barrier. Dani was the last thing on my mind before everything went black.


I still have my arms around Daniela trying to comfort her. That's when I realise she hasn't moved since he crashed. It's like she went numb. Only silent tears streaming down her face.

„I lost him" i hear her whisper

„No you didn't he will be alright" i say

„I need to go to the bathroom" she says

I take my arms off and she walks away to the bathroom.


No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. I can't lose him. My breath quickens. I enter the bathroom and lock the door. I don't want to do it but I can't stop myself. I take my phone case off and take the blade hiding under it. Just one little cut. Who am I kidding in the end I drag the blade multiple times over my hand. I feel numb. I don't feel the pain. I feel lost once again. He promised to be careful and safe, not to crash but here he is. I start feeling dizzy. I look around for bandages. I found some. I gently tap my cuts with water and bandage them up. I splash my face with water and leave the bathroom. I go to Lewis's driver room instead of going back to Toto. I don't even remember locking the door after me. It's like someone else is controlling my body. I sit down in one of the corners. A wave of dizziness hitting me. I try very hard to keep myself conscious but my body relaxes and then everything went black.


Red flag. I hope Lewis will be alright. I get out of the car and see Toto looking very stressed.

„Hey everything alright? Has he answered the radio? I ask

Toto shakes his head and starts looking around. Is he looking for someone?

„You looking for someone?" i ask

„Daniela" he says

„I'll look around you stay here and do your job" i say

I start walking around thinking where she could be. I will try Lewis's driver room. I knock on the door. No answer. I open it and get in. I look around and see her sitting in one of the corners. I call her name but no answer is given. I quickly realise she isn't conscious. I pick her up and lay her down on the small couch. I sit in one of the chairs next to her and wait for her to wake up. I send a text to Toto that I am with her and I will stay with her for while. Now I just wait.


I slowly open my eyes and realise I have passed out again. But I am not in the corner anymore. I am on the couch. I look around and I meet George's gaze. What is he doing here?

„Hey are you alright?" he asks

I just nod. I haven't really met him. We were never introduced. George offers me his hand.

„I'm George" he says

„Daniela" i say and shake his hand

„May I ask what happened?" he asks careful

„Passed out" i say

„Ok. Does it happen a lot? Because I saw you yesterday in the medical centre" he says

„Mostly it happens when I have panic attacks" i say

„What triggers them if you don't mind me asking?" he says

„Every time something different triggers them" i say

„What triggered it this time?" he asks

„Lewis's crash" i say

George extends his arm for me to take. I do and stand up.

„Let's go and pay him a visit at the hospital" he says

I just nod and follow him. We leave the mercedes garage and make our way to his car. After a thirty minute drive we arrive at the hospital. We enter and go o the reception.

„We are here to visit Lewis Hamilton" says George to the receptionist

„Relationship status?" she asks

„Daniela is his daughter and I am his teammate who brought her here" says George

„You can go with her because she is still under 18 and we don't want to have her here unattended. Room 244 right down the hall and left" she says

We make our way to the room. I knock. I here a faint come in. I open the door and see Lewis on the bed looking like hell and a doctor who is probably explaining his situation. His eyes light up when he sees me enter the room.

„Dani" he says weak

Tears start to well up in my eyes and threaten to spill. Eventually they do. I slowly walk to Lewis's side. He opens his arms for me to hug him bit I hesitate because he looks like if I hug him he will break. I hug him.

„I am so so sorry that you had to witness this again" he says

„It's ok at least you made it" i say

The Doc clears his throat.

„As I was saying you won't race for a while because you arm needs to heal. The bone isn't broken that bad. With a cast on it will heal. I will leave you now" he says and leaves

Lewis signals for me to lay down on the bed next to him. I lay down and he embraces me with his good hand. I lean my head on his chest and listen to the conversation he is having with George. They are talking about the race. They didn't race after the collision between Max and Lewis. Charles won automatically since he was third place behind Max and Lewis before the collision. Daniel was second and Fernando third. I felt my eyes growing tired. Within minutes I was knocked out in a deep sleep. Everything turned out just fine. There is nothing to worry about.


Hi, here is the next chapter of the story. I will probably not update tomorrow because I have to study for my upcoming physics exam. So I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Love, Sanya!🩷

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