Reunion pt.1

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It's been a while since Dani went to the bathroom. I go to check on her. I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again.

„Dani are you alright?" i ask

No answer. I go back to the others.

„Hey can someone go to their room and get the bathroom key?" i ask them

„Yeah of course" said Daniel

He left and few minutes later he came back.

„Here you go" he said

I thank him and go to unlock the door. It clicks. I open it and my blood runs cold when I see Dani passed out against the wall. I pick her up and carry her to the couch. Everyone is in shock. I check her pulse. Thank god she has one. I pull her hoodie off so she isn't hot. Now she is just in her tank top. I sit by her side and stroke her hair waiting for her to wake up. That's when something caught my attention. She has so many scars on her arm. I take one hand and gently stroke over it. My thoughts are racing. Did she do it to herself or did someone else do it? I don't know but I want to find out. I told the guys to leave that we will see them tomorrow at track. Daniela started to wake up. Thank god.


I open my eyes slowly adjusting to the light. I look up and see Lewis. Wait, I'm not in the bathroom anymore. I feel cold. How do I feel cold when I have a hoodie on. That's when I look down. I'm not in my hoodie. I'm in my tank top. My arms have been exposed. I stand up and search for my hoodie. I stood up to quick. I fall back on the couch.

„Dani what happened?" asked Lewis looking worried

„I got a panic attack. One of the baddest I have ever had" i say almost whispering

Lewis looked at my arms. I quickly hid them behind my back. But it's too late he probably saw them while I was unconscious. Lewis stands up and and kneels in front of me. He slowly takes my arms. He strokes my scars like they are the most precious and fragile thing. He looks up and our gaze meets.

„What made you do this?" he asked me in a caring voice

„I don't want to talk about it" i say

„That's alright" he says

„Can I go to take a nap? I haven't slept good for a while" i ask

„Of course" he answers

I nod and make my way to my room. It's now one o'clock. I lay down on my bed and fall asleep.


Today are the first two free practices. I'm not going though. I'm not leaving Dani after what happend. I need to call Toto. I pick up my phone and dial his number. After a few rings he picks up.

„Hello Lewis are you ready for practice today?" he asks

„Hello Toto, about that I won't come today" I say

„What, why?" he asks

„Do you remember when I told you I can't be a father?" i ask him

„Yes, yes I remember you were devastated" he says

„Well now I am. I have a beautiful daughter to take care of" i say happy

„Oh my god, congratulations Lewis. But what does this have to do with you being absent today?" he says

„She has mental struggles that occurred today and I would like to stay by her side incase something happens" i say

„Oh poor child. Of course take all the time you need for today. But tomorrow for qualifying you need to be here" he says

„Yes of course. Thank you Toto" i say

„Take care Lewis. See you tomorrow" he says

„See you Toto" i say and hang up

I lay down on the couch and close my eyes. Soon I fall asleep. I wake up after four hours. It's now five pm. I stand up and go to check on Dani. I knock on the door. No answer. I open it and see her sleeping in peace. I go and kiss her head.

„Sleep well kiddo" i whisper

I leave her room and go to sit on the couch. I check my phone and see I have a few unread messages. I don't bother to answer them and decide to watch a movie. After two hours the movie ended. I was about to start a new one when someone knocked. I stand up and go to the door. I open it and see Seb, Daniel and George there standing.

„Hey do you want to come in?" i ask them

„No, no we were wondering if you would like to come to dinner with us and the others" says George

„I can't leave Dani alone. She has been asleep for six hours she could wake up at any moment" i say

„Is Dani your girlfriend Lewis? asks Seb

„No, no Daniela is my kid" i say with a laugh

„Kid? Since when do you have a kid Lewis?" Seb asks confused

„I adopted her this morning" i say

„Wow, now I want to meet her. How old is she? Seb asks

„She turned 12 today" i say

„Wow. I want to meet her Lewis" Seb says

„Tomorrow at track she will be with me" i say

„Have a great night guys" i say

They thank me and leave. I go back on the couch and watch another movie. After the movie finished I decided to go to bed. Before I do that. I went to check on Dani. I enter her room and see her still sleeping like a baby. I kneel next to her and kiss her head.

„Good night kiddo" i whisper

I leave the room and go get ready for sleep. After brushing my teeth I lay down in bed and think for myself. Tomorrow will be an amazing day. After that I fall asleep.

Hi, another chapter is here. The next one will be interesting. Hope you enjoy it.

Love, Sanya!

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