Not again

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Free practice was good. Well at least I think it went good. I don't know much about formula one. It's kind of strange considering my father was one of the greatest in this sport. I never had the interest in learning about this sport because of my father. I need to learn more after all here I am again in this world but this time with Lewis. Most people would probably think that because my father was great in it that I should enter but I don't think that is the right decision. Once my father said in an interview that to be a racing driver you can't fear death. If you do your career will be over even before it starts. I obviously watched it on YouTube. For a two year old to remember such things is impossible. I think it would be fun to go karting but not for it to become my job one day. I am too scared of death. Some times I feel like I am in a kids story and someone is reading about my life. Some times I think this isn't real. I'm afraid of what happens after death or during death. Like how does it feel? And I know nobody can tell me how because they are dead. I admit I have thought of leaving this world. But at the same time I haven't dragged the blade so deep. Is this a sign I don't want to leave this world? I finally have the chance to live a normal life. But do I want to be a part of the f1 life again? I have mixed feelings about it. I feel happy because I see how passionate Lewis is about it but at the same time I'm afraid because this sport is dangerous. Enough of these thoughts now. Qualifying is about to start. I'm sitting in the mercedes garage. Lewis is doing great. He is currently p2 four tenths behind Max Verstappen. There are a few minutes left till Q1 ends. The drivers that are out are Zhou Guanyu with a DNF, Logan Sargeant, Pierre Gasly, Esteban Ocon and Valtteri Bottas. Soon later Q2 starts. Lewis manages to set a faster lap than Max and takes P1. Out are Nico Hülkenberg, Daniel Ricciardo, Kewin Magnussen, Alex Albon and Lance Stroll. Q3 starts. Lewis is doing great he has a set a faster lap than Max again. Unfortunately Max sets a faster time with his next lap. There is less than a minute. Suddenly I hear this.

„Oh no, one of the mercedes cars has crashed into the barrier" says the commentator

I freeze. No no no no no no no no no no this can't be happening. Not again. I made up my mind that it's Lewis. I zone out and feel my breath getting quicker.


Shit. Not another DNF. It's George again. As I look around the garage I see Daniela frozen in place and shaking. Her breathing looks irregular. She is starting at the monitor. That's when it clicks in my mind. If she is Senna's daughter oh no. She lost her father at this grand prix. Has nobody told her that George crashed not Lewis. What assholes. As I make my way to her she faints. I'm quick enough to catch her before she hits the floor. Q3 finished. I know I should be here when George and Lewis come back to the garrage but I can't leave Daniela in this state. She needs medical attention. I pick her up and make my way to the medical centre. As I walk in I see George. He is getting checked after the crash. I just give him a quick nod and make my way to find someone to help.

„Help. I need help" i practically yell

Soon a nurse comes running.

„Please help. She passed out probably from lack of oxygen. I believe a panic attack is the cause" i explain what happened

She quickly gestures for me to follow her. I follow her and lay Daniela on the bed in the room she took me to. She explained to me that she won't be unconscious for a long time. I sit down on the chair next to the bed. What a precious angel and look what she had to go through. It's sad. It's like always the sweetest and kindest people suffer the most physically and mentally.


I get out of the car and expect to see Toto but he is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he is in the medical centre to check on George. I make my way to see Dani expecting her to be sitting there but she isn't. Panic washes over my body. Where is she? I ask around and my engineer tells me that she is in the medical centre with Toto. My blood runs cold by those words. I run to the medical centre ignoring everyone. I enter and search for a nurse. Aha there is one.

„Excuse me do you know where Daniela Senna is? In which room?" i ask her

„Your relationship to he is?" she asks

„Father" i say

She looks sceptical at me. I get that and tell her that I am Daniela's legal guardian. She tells me the room number and quickly make my way to room 02. I enter the room and see Daniela unconscious on the bed and Toto by her side on a chair.

„What happened?" i say and eush to her side

Toto ignores the question and asks.

„Lewis is Daniela the daughter of Ayrton Senna?" he asks

„Yes. Daniela is the daughter of Ayrton Senna" i say

„But now what happened?" i ask again

„George crashed we didn't know if it was you or him. Daniela saw it and froze in place. She began to shake and her breathing became irregular. No one told her after we knew it was George. She was afraid she had lost you. I walked to her and she fainted. I caught her before she fell on the floor and brought her here immediately" he explains what happened

„Was it a panic attack?" i ask him

„I believe that it was" he says

I kiss her head and sigh. I sit on the bed waiting for her to wake up.


Hi, her is the next chapter I hope you like it. Thank uou all for the positive feedback on this story. It really makes my days better.

Love, Sanya!🩷

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