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So, I don't know if anyone's going to read this story, but if someone does, I just wanted to tell you that this story is shit. I have had this thought/imagination for a while  and decided to make it a little story. If this somehow accidentally gets published, I want to say that I know this is shorty and I probably won't have finished the story.

Btw, I'm bad at grammar and description, so if you have questions, let me know, just ask them here ———>

Another thing I want to take up here while at it, is that you either gonna like it or not, since I don't want to write a basic Loki fanfic were the OC/YN gets kidnapped and all.

And lastly I just want to say that I'm not from a English speaking country and that I am from a Nordic country, witch means that if you read something weird I probably couldn't finde a better word or I translated it.

And if you have some tips, let me know!
Happy reading!


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